At the 20th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP20) to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its P...
Back to back with the 2nd Consultation Meeting of the GEF MedProgramme, an Information meeting for the project “Enhancing regional climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean ma...
The second Consultation Meeting for the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1: Mediterranean coastal zones: climate resilience, water security and habitat protection was held in Rabat...
During a two-day meeting of the Sub-regional expert group on Coast and Hydrography of the EcAp Med II project, held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 6 – 7 December 2017, representatives from...
A Sub-regional expert group meeting on Coast and Hydrography indicators will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 6 - 7 December 2017, as part of the EcAp MED II project. The Project ...
Organised by the Valenciaport Foundation, the CO-EVOLVE 3rd Steering Committee meeting has taken place on 16 and 17 November 2017 and gathered all the involved partners. It was an ...
On 15 November 2017, PAP/RAC, being an associate partner, participated in the final conference of the “CoRE” project organised at the “Splendid” hotel, Bećići, Montenegro.
“CoRE“ i...
The 23rd annual conference of the Parties under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was launched on 6th November in Bonn, Germany (COP23). The same day, World Me...
The Secretariat of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) - Barcelona Convention launched the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award to be conferred to Mediterranean coastal cities....
In the framework of the Interreg Med project PANACeA, small fisheries co-management models, scientific data sources and new methodologies for monitoring and management of coastal a...
At the second Mediterranean Conference "Biodiv 2017" organized by the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in the Gulf of Gabès (ASCOB-Syrtis), in collaboration with th...
Registrations are open for a three hour self-paced course which explains how international environmental agreements and policies are made, by whom, and how they are complied with, ...
The Villa Noailles overlooking the city of Hyéres, France, hosted the CAMP Var (France) final conference on 6 October 2017. The event brought together more than 80 actors involved ...
The SimWestMed Regional meeting and the first output of the Var Case Study led by UN Environment/MAP and PAP/RAC took place at the Villa Noailles in Hyères, France, on 5 October 20...
The regional celebration of the 2017 Mediterranean Coast Day, organised on September 25 in Tivat, Montenegro was a glowing success. The main event was attended by 150odd participan...
The Consultation Meeting on the “Implementation of Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning” Project (the so-called ADRIATIC-GEF Project) was held in ...
After celebrating together the 2017 Mediterranean Coast Day in Ghar El Melah, on 26 September 2017, international partners of the Mediterranean wetland conservation project finance...
In the framework of the Mediterranean wetland project of the MAVA Foundation, PAP/RAC supported the organisation of a local celebration of the Coast Day in Ghar El Melah, Tunisia, ...
A good news has arrived from the Co-ordinating Unit of MAP: the Republic of Lebanon ratified the ICZM Protocol! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation of Spain, in its ca...
Back-to-back with the Mediterranean Coast Day celebration in Tivat, Montenegro, on 26 September 2017, the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1: Mediterranean coastal zones: climate r...
In the framework of the partnership between the Islamic Republic of Iran and France on ICZM, PAP/RAC joined a French delegation composed of representatives of the French Coastal Ag...
The Meeting of the MAP Focal Points took place on 12-15 September 2017 in Athens, Greece. The objective was to review the draft decisions for the CoP20. Several topics were on the ...
Once again the year has gone by quickly and another Coast Day is imminent. This event, celebrated annually since 2007, brings together all the countries of the Mediterranean to rai...
Co-Evolve project is pleased to announce the launch of its new website which is accessible at https://co-evolve.interreg-med.eu/. Being functional, dynamic, modern and refined, the...
The MOCOMED platform (a MOving COast in the MEDiterranean) is an online interface dedicated to the risks of coastal erosion and marine flooding. It aims to allow a better understan...
Whether you want to learn more on the CO-EVOLVE project, or you are more generally someone who cares about sustainable development of maritime and coastal tourism, then the CO-EVOL...
The International conference "Marine litter - challenges & solutions" was organised by Davor Skrlec, the Croatian representative to the European parliament, in Split, Croatia, on 1...
At the Extraordinary Meeting of PAP/RAC NFPs that took place in Athens, Greece, on 28 and 29 June 2017, participants agreed on the draft document that will serve as a ToR, i.e. a g...
Within the framework of the CAMP France project (PAC Var), PAP/RAC, in partnership with the French Coastal protection agency (Conservatoire du littoral), organized the third Land-s...
The Working group of the SimWestMed project gathered in St. Julian’s, Malta, on 13 June 2017 to discuss Components and Sub-components of the project. Particular attention was paid ...
In the framework of the project entitled “A Blue Economy for a healthy Mediterranean” funded by MAVA, the final project conference took place in Marseille, France, on 30 - 31 May 2...
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) - Organics International launched its fifth European organic leadership course in Croatia with the kick-off at the...
Two related events were in the focus of PAP/RAC last week - the European Maritime Day 2017 (EMD) and the Multi-Use for Sustainable Blue Growth (MUSES Project) Stakeholders Workshop...
An informal kick-off meeting of the GEF newly approved concept for the Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme) on Enhancing Environmental Security was held in Athens, Greece, on...
It is with great sadness that the PAP/RAC team learned today of the passing of its long-time collaborator and friend, Mr Mohamed Larid. Mr Larid was among the pioneers of ICZM in A...
The MedOpen Advanced training session on climate variability and change (CVC) in the Mediterranean has been officially concluded. A number of 20 students coming from Morocco (15) a...
On 10 and 11 May 2017, PAP/RAC hosted in its premises the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the Co-Evolve project. The event that gathered 29 participants including representatives...
May 7th 2017 was a sunny hot day in Athens. 9:15 in the morning UN Environment/MAP staff gather outside the metro station. Destination: Freattyda beach in Piraeus, Greece, to parti...
On 5 - 6 May 2017, PAP/RAC joined the meeting on “small sustainable islands”. The meeting, which was organized in the island of Zlarin, Croatia, brought together the French actors ...
On 3 and 4 May 2017, the PAP/RAC National Focal Points meeting was held in Split, Croatia, in the presence of representatives of 17 Contracting Parties, five invited experts, the U...
PAP/RAC representatives attended the 5th workshop on the science-policy interface (SPI) strengthening organized by Plan Bleu, in Nice, France, on 27 and 28 April 2017. In additi...
On 24 and 25 April 2017, the second training workshop on Coast and Hydrography indicators was organized in Rome, Italy, in the framework of the EcAp Med II project. In addition t...
On the occasion of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017, the workshop on “The Present and the Future of Sustainable and Responsible Tourism“ took plac...
The European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA), in collaboration with the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, Malta, organizes the fifth EMSEA conference. The...
At the occasion of the Adriatic Trilateral Initiative, inaugurated in Split on 10 February 2017, PAP/RAC received a visit of a delegation headed by H.E. Mr. Davor Ivo Stier, Deputy...
Predrag Matvejević, writer, humanist, cosmopolite, polyglot and activist passed away yesterday in Zagreb, Croatia. He dedicated his life to fighting for peace, justice, human right...