
First review of the draft climate change adaptation framework
First review of the draft climate change adaptation framework
The MedPartnership Advisory Panel to the regional climate change adaptation framework held its first meeting on 18 December in Athens. The meeting was supported by the GWPMed Water...
CAMP Montenegro Final conference: a New Swing for Sustainable Coastal Development
CAMP Montenegro Final conference: a New Swing for Sustainable Coastal Development
The Final conference for CAMP Montenegro (and the ICZM Strategy for Montenegro) was a successful event that took place on December 18 in Budva. It was attended by over 80 participa...
PAP at 2014 Think Forward Film Festival in Venice
PAP at 2014 Think Forward Film Festival in Venice

A short animated movie “A good climate for change” produced by PAP/RAC (in co-operation with BONOBO Studio Zagreb, Croatia) for the 2014 Mediterranean Coast Day was screened during...

Towards finalization of the RCP
Towards finalization of the RCP
On 2O November 2014, the first workshop on finalization of the Reghaia Coastal Plan (RCP) was held in Algiers. It was the first meeting since the establishment of the Intersectoria...
CAMP Montenegro coming to an end
CAMP Montenegro coming to an end
The final Steering Committee meeting took place in Podgorica on 19th November. A Draft ICZM Strategy was presented to the members and some general feedback was received. The overal...
GIS for Šibenik-Knin County
GIS for Šibenik-Knin County

In the framework of the definition of the ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County, the first round of professional training courses on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was held i...

Strategic lines of the ICZM Strategy for Algeria validated
Strategic lines of the ICZM Strategy for Algeria validated
The Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment of Algeria has organized, in collaboration with the coastal provinces of Jijel, Tlemcen and Tipaza, three workshops to validate str...
Kick-off of CAMP Italy
Kick-off of CAMP Italy

The Inception Conference for the CAMP Italy project took place in the premises of the Regional park of Porto Conte in Alghero, Sardinia, on 12 November 2014. Representatives of all...

Closure of Coastgap
Closure of Coastgap

Within the framework of the Mediterranean co-operation days the Final Conference of the Coastgap project, which was organised by the Lazio region, took place in Rome, on 11 Novembe...

MedPartnership Co-ordination Group met in Barcelona
MedPartnership Co-ordination Group met in Barcelona

The Co-ordination Group of the MedPartnership project held its 6th meeting in Barcelona on 4 - 5 November 2014. Coming to an end in December 2015, the project has implemented almos...

EuroMED Co-operation: PAP/RAC is in!
EuroMED Co-operation: PAP/RAC is in!
Under the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and with the support of the European Commission, the National Research Council of Italy organised, in Naples, on 3...
Our Sylvain has found his safe haven, or rather Marina
Our Sylvain has found his safe haven, or rather Marina
We are pleased to share good news with all our friends and collaborators. Our young colleague, Sylvain Petit, has found the love of his life, Marina. Among their closest family and...
Visit of Jordanian MSP experts
Visit of Jordanian MSP experts
A group of high-level experts from Aqaba, Jordan, visited PAP/RAC on 13-17 October 2014 to discuss issues related to Marine Spatial Planning. The group was joined by several intern...
September 25, it is the Coast Day!
September 25, it is the Coast Day!

This year the Mediterranean Coast Day was celebrated on September 25 at Gammarth, Tunisia, with focus on climate variability and change. Unusually for this time of the year, it was...

Coast Day in Montenegro
Coast Day in Montenegro

The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro and the Public Enterprise for Management of the Maritime Domain joined efforts to mark the Mediterranean Coast Day...

Šibenik celebrates Coast Day 2014
Šibenik celebrates Coast Day 2014
For the year 2014, PAP/RAC has organised the Coast Day celebration for Croatia in Šibenik, jointly with the Šibenik-Knin County. Apart from being one of the most beautiful coastal ...
Shipping towards MSP
Shipping towards MSP

PAP/RAC participated in the 3rd European Ports & Shipping Conference which took place on 18 and 19 September in Amsterdam. This two-day international conference brought together th...

Tourism in the focus of the European Parliamentarians
Tourism in the focus of the European Parliamentarians
The youngest EU member state - Croatia, took the initiative to organise the First Inter-parliamentary Conference on the Challenges of Sustainable Tourism, which was hosted by the C...
CAMP Var project signed!
CAMP Var project signed!
The Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) for the Var County of France has been signed on September 4 by Mr. Xavier Sticker, Ambassador of France in charge of the Environment, a...
Preparations under way for Coast Day 2014
Preparations under way for Coast Day 2014

It has become a Mediterranean tradition to celebrate the Coast Day as a good promotional tool for raising awareness of the value of the ...

3rd COASTGAP Steering Committee meeting and conference
3rd COASTGAP Steering Committee meeting and conference

The 3rd Steering Committee Meeting and the International Conference of the projects COASTGAP and MEDSANDCOAST took place on 12-14 June at the premises of the Department of Hérault ...

Climagine 3
Climagine 3
In conjunction with the Harmonisation Meeting for the Coastal Plan of the Šibenik-Knin County, the third Climagine workshop was organised on June 9. It was considered a good idea s...
Harmonisation Meeting for the Coastal Plan of the Šibenik-Knin County
Harmonisation Meeting for the Coastal Plan of the Šibenik-Knin County
In order to present the Diagnostic Analysis, prepared within the work on the Coastal Plan of the Šibenik-Knin County, to the principal stakeholders and general public a harmonisati...
The importance of integration
The importance of integration
As a member and representative of UNEP/MAP in the Joint EU Expert Group on ICM/MSP the PAP/RAC Director took part in the 3rd meeting of the Group, held in Athens, on 4-5 June. Seve...
Coast Day, ClimVar & DIVA in Tunisia
Coast Day, ClimVar & DIVA in Tunisia
From June 2 to 6, a PAP/RAC representative participated in a number of meetings and workshops organised in Tunis, Tunisia, in the frame of the “Integration of climatic variability ...
Webinar on ICZM & Tourism
Webinar on ICZM & Tourism

At the invitation of UNEP/DTIE office in Paris, the PAP/RAC Director was a guest speaker at the webinar on “Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Strategic Tourism Developm...

Progress in ratifying the ICZM Protocol
Progress in ratifying the ICZM Protocol

The good news has arrived from the Israeli Focal Point for PAP/RAC: at its meeting held on 8 May 2014 the Israeli Government ratified the ICZM Protocol. This Resolution (#1588) was...

Managing Groundwater in Coastal Areas and SIDS
Managing Groundwater in Coastal Areas and SIDS

The third Groundwater Integration Dialogue on Managing Groundwater in Coastal Areas and SIDS took place on 6 – 7 May 2014 at the Mediterranean Information Office in Athens. The mee...

Split students for 2014 Coast Day
Split students for 2014 Coast Day

The 2014 Mediterranean Coast Day celebration will have climate variability and change as its key topic. Since great importance is attributed to work with children and adolescents, ...

Co-operation with Šibenik-Knin County in full swing
Co-operation with Šibenik-Knin County in full swing
The PAP/RAC team working on the ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County has completed the draft Diagnostic Analysis. On April 8, a meeting was organised with the stakeholders from th...
Promotion of PAP and Coast Day among high-school teachers
Promotion of PAP and Coast Day among high-school teachers
Mr. Josip Kosoviæ, geography teacher at the “Vladimir Nazor“ high school, Split, participated in the work of the geography teachers professional council for the County of Split-Dal...
Participatory workshop for identifying coastal issues
Participatory workshop for identifying coastal issues
In the frame of the CAMP Montenegro, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism organised a participatory workshop in Bar on March 21. The aim of the workshop was to ident...
PAP/RAC at the UfM meetings
PAP/RAC at the UfM meetings
At the invitation of the European Commission and the Union for the Mediterranean, the PAP/RAC Director participated in three meetings organised in the week 10-14 March in Amman, Jo...
SHAPE successfully concluded
SHAPE successfully concluded
After three years of intensive activity, the SHAPE project was concluded at the Final Conference organised in Bologna, Italy, on February 21. The conference was attended by 60-odd ...
MedPartnership commits to replicate good practices and work in synergy
MedPartnership commits to replicate good practices and work in synergy

The MedPartnership Steering Committee concluded its fourth meeting held in Hammamet, Tunisia, from 17 to 20 February 2014, in the presence of National Focal Points, executing partn...

Convergence of spatial plans and CAMP results
Convergence of spatial plans and CAMP results

A high level meeting with representatives of the Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, local governments, spatial planners and other experts took place in th...

Workshop “Environmental Impact of Economic Activities”
Workshop “Environmental Impact of Economic Activities”
In the framework of the MedPartnership, ClimVar and ICZM projects, a workshop was organised at PAP/RAC premises on February 5 to identify indicators for the assessment of impacts o...
Ecotourism for sustainable development of Boka Kotorska
Ecotourism for sustainable development of Boka Kotorska

A workshop on ecotourism as an opportunity for sustainable development of Boka Kotorska was organised in Kotor, on 30 January to 1 February 2014, within the CAMP Montenegro. The ai...

ICZM and MSP initiatives promoted in Montenegro
ICZM and MSP initiatives promoted in Montenegro
As part of the CAMP Montenegro, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism in co-operation with the Coastal Zone Management Authority organised a workshop on the promotion...
Training on ISCD for the MENA region
Training on ISCD for the MENA region

The Training Programme on Integrated and Sustainable Coastal Development (ISCD) has been developed within the framework of Sida’s international training programmes that provides ca...

PEGASO stepping towards the future
PEGASO stepping towards the future

On 14-17 January 2014, the Final conference of the Pegaso project was held in Beldibi/Antalya, Turkey. The MedCoast Foundation, being one of the partners to the project, hosted the...