As envisaged by the convention signed with the European Commission, an international conference on sustainable tourism was held in Casablanca (Morocco), on November 24-25, 2009. Th...
MAP and PAP/RAC jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Municipality of Datca-Mugla, Mugla University and Underwater Research Society, Turkey, are organising thi...
The Galillee College, Israel, is now in the final phase of preparations towards the opening of their Programme on Environmental Management to be held at the Galillee College, Israe...
PAP/RAC jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Municipality of Datca-Mugla, Mugla University and Underwater Research Society, Turkey, is organising the third an...
On July 25 and 26 2009, in a high tourist season, the Algerian workshop on the strategy for sustainable tourism development in the zone including the Cap Djinet and Mont Chenoua wa...
The International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre, University of Malta will host a training course on Regional Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Co...
A very successful three-day seminar designed for decision makers and tourism experts in the Mediterranean “Coastal Tourism in the Mediterranean: Adapting to Climate Change” was hel...
We are sad to inform you that our Aleksandar Bjelica passed away on Tuesday, February 10, after a short illness. He was only 46, and with us for 24 years. He was not only our Finan...
The MEDCOAST Secretariat has just announced the Ninth International Conference on
the Mediterranean Coastal Environment - MEDCOAST 09. It will be held during 10 -14 November 2009,...