On December 4, 2008, a meeting was held at the Italian Ministry of Environment with the objective to discuss the details of a Feasibility Study (FS) for CAMP Italy project and the ...
LITTORAL 2008 is a major European coastal event attracting an international audience of coastal researchers, managers, practitioners and public administrations. The 9th Littoral Co...
The EUCC- The Coastal Union is officially launching the QualityCoast Awards 2009.
QualityCoast aims to establish a world wide network of coastal communities (towns, municipalities ...
At the request made by the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) addressed PAP/RAC to provide assistance in the preparation of t...
The main square in the centre of the Diocletian's palace - the Peristile, is surrounded with spectacular facades and colonnade from the Roman times. The City of Split, with the ass...
The Final Presentation Conference of CAMP Cyprus took place in Nicosia, on 13 June 2008. The purpose of the Conference was to present the main results and achievements of the activ...
PAP/RAC took the first steps towards starting the preparatory activities for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol once it enters into force. To that end, an Expert Meeting on th...
As of June 1 PAP/RAC will never be the same again. Ljiljana (Cica) Prebanda has retired from daily chores at the office to enjoy the freedom to do what she pleases. Knowing her, sh...
In the framework of the PlanCoast project, the Ministry of Civil Engineering and Physical Planning of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) organised a conference on June 9-10, 2008...
Following the initial phase of the establishment of the Diagnostic Analysis, the "Destinations" project entered the phase related to the Assessment of Carrying Capacity for Tourism...
The final output of the PlanCoast project, i.e. the Handbook on Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning, has just been published and is currently being disseminated. The handbook summ...
On the third day of the Mediterranean Workshop on ICZM Policy, on 21 May 2008, PAP/RAC, in collaboration with the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Faculty of Architecture of A...
In the framework of the EU funded SMAP III project, PAP/RAC, in collaboration with the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy), organised a Mediterranean Workshop on ICZM Policy. The...
We are pleased to announce that the document "Integrated Coastal Urban Water System Planning in Coastal Areas of the Mediterranean", Volume I. Principles and Planning, and Volume I...
A new design and restructure of the PAP/RAC web site in 2007 yielded in an impressive growth of a number of visits. If the number of visits in April 2007 ended at a bit more than 5...
PAP/RAC has just been informed that the International Jury of the ENERGY GLOBE AWARD 2007 had chosen the "Destinations" project as the national winner for Algeria. This project, co...
On April 29, 2008, the town of Chefchaouen hosted the CAMP Morocco Inception Workshop. The workshop has officially marked the start of this important project for the coastal zone o...
Financial Times published an article on Tuesday April 22, 2008 on the boost of $250m from GEF and the World Bank that the Mediterranean countries will receive to combat the region'
In the framework of the EU funded SMAP III project "Promoting Awareness and Enabling a Policy Framework for Environment and Development Integration in the Mediterranean with Focus ...
Today the 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands (7-11 April 2008) has been opened in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is attended by 430 participants from 71 countries. The Confer...
On 3-4 April 2008, the town of Split hosted the second meeting of round tables organised by the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration within the Adriatic-Io...
At the Conference of the Plenipotentiaries on the ICZM Protocol that took place on 20-21 January 2008 in Madrid, the ICZM Protocol was signed. Under the presidency of the Minister ...
Almeria was chosen to host the 15th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention from15th to 18th January 2008. Over 200 ministers, delegates and experts...