On the third day of the Mediterranean Workshop on ICZM Policy, on 21 May 2008, PAP/RAC, in collaboration with the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero organised a public event with the aim to raise awareness of the EU Maritime Day, the value of the coast and the necessity of ICZM for the sustainable coastal development. A number of 512 people in total participated at the event, including the students from six universities, representatives of three marine protected areas, as well as representatives of eight NGOs, three local authorities and two research centres. About 70 posters were exposed by different ICZM organisations from all over the Mediterranean. Different promotional materials were presented, including the films, a TV spot, transmissions and photos. Also, the models of different projects to rejuvenate the coastal villages were presented by the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero.
Finally, in the afternoon, four workshops were held on the following topics: architecture and spatial planning of coastal zones; sustainable development of coastal zones; conservation and environmental management of coastal zones; and participatory processes and spatial governance. More news in Italian.