

Exploring Land Cover Change: The Focus of the Upcoming MedOpen Training Course
Exploring Land Cover Change: The Focus of the Upcoming MedOpen Training Course

The Mediterranean region has experienced an alarming 109% increase in land take due to rapid coastal urbanisation since 1975. The upcoming MedOpen training course, scheduled from 1...

Croatian DesirMED Project Partners Gather to Plan Future Steps
Croatian DesirMED Project Partners Gather to Plan Future Steps

On July 5, 2024, Split-Dalmatia County hosted a meeting for the Croatian DesirMED project partners, including PAP/RAC, to discuss their upcoming collaborative efforts


Draft Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay presented to the National Working Group on ICZM
Draft Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay presented to the National Working Group on ICZM

On July 4, 2024, an important meeting took place in Podgorica, Montenegro, where the draft Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay was showcased to the members of the Nationa...

Advancing MSP in Türkiye: New Training Course Held in Ankara
Advancing MSP in Türkiye: New Training Course Held in Ankara

© Paul Gilliland

On June 12-13, 2024, a training course titled "Marine Spatial Planning in Türkiye: From Theory to Practice" was organized in Ankara, with the support of the Tur...

4th Steering Committee for the MedProgramme Child Project 2.1 successfully completed
4th Steering Committee for the MedProgramme Child Project 2.1 successfully completed

On June 11, the partners of the GEF MedProgramme Child Project 2.1 (PAP/RAC, Blue Plan, GWP-Med, and UNESCO-IHP) were delighted to meet with country representatives to present and ...

Pivotal Meeting Advances National ICZM Strategy with Full Ministerial Support
Pivotal Meeting Advances National ICZM Strategy with Full Ministerial Support

On May 14th, PAP/RAC organised a virtual meeting with Lebanese ICZM team leaders and His Excellency the Minister of Environment to discuss the progress in preparing the National In...

MSP4BIO 4th General Assembly Advances the Project’s Key Methodological Approach
MSP4BIO 4th General Assembly Advances the Project’s Key Methodological Approach

From May 21-23, 2024, the MSP4BIO team gathered at the University of Cadiz in Spain for the 4th General Assembly (GA) to discuss the latest project developments, future actions, an...

MedProgramme SCCF project at Mediterranean Green Week
MedProgramme SCCF project at Mediterranean Green Week

“Enhancing Regional Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Areas”, MedProgramme Child project funded from GEF's SCCF component, is approaching its final ...

Understanding the Nature is a key for climate change adaptation
Understanding the Nature is a key for climate change adaptation

A regional workshop took place in Rome 23-24 April 2024 to present and discuss the draft Guidelines on NbS for adaptation to climate change in different coastal typologies of the M...