
The virtual training on MSP organized by PAP / RAC met with great success
The virtual training on MSP organized by PAP / RAC met with great success

Always attentive to the needs of Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, PAP/RAC organized a virtual training on MSP for representatives of administrations or public insti...

Barcelona Convention COP 22 adopts bold measures for the protection of the Mediterranean sea and coasts for a green recovery
Barcelona Convention COP 22 adopts bold measures for the protection of the Mediterranean sea and coasts for a green recovery

The Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) and its Protocols conclude...

Preparation of the coastal management plan for Boka Kotorska Bay kicked off in Montenegro
Preparation of the coastal management plan for Boka Kotorska Bay kicked off in Montenegro

On December 3rd, PAP/RAC and Plan Blue RAC held the first workshop for the preparation of Coastal management plan for Boka-Kotorska Bay in Montenegro. It was a joint Scoping and Cl...

CORMON Coast and Hydrography focused on the future IMAP steps
CORMON Coast and Hydrography focused on the future IMAP steps

The CORMON Coast and Hydrography meeting that was held via videoconference on 25 November 2021 brought together participants from 16 CPs, representatives of some of the MAP compone...

Slovenian MSP adopted!
Slovenian MSP adopted!

Slovenia was one of the first Mediterranean EU Member States to prepare and adopt a Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) in July 2021, as a fulfilment of the obligation towards the EU MSP Dir...

Italian coastal managers, scientists and environmentalists are preparing for the climate change challenge
Italian coastal managers, scientists and environmentalists are preparing for the climate change challenge

On October 26th, PAP/RAC representative participated in the workshop organized in the framework of the “ECOMONDO – The green technology expo” in Rimini, Italy. The workshop entitle...

6th Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2021
6th Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2021

Even if due to the COVID 19 epidemic, Slovenia has not been able this year to celebrate the Mediterranean Coast Week as it has done every year for a decade, it has decided to organ...

A new MedOpen session on MSP is about to be launched
A new MedOpen session on MSP is about to be launched

We have the pleasure to announce that PAP/RAC is organising an online seminar on MSP in the Mediterranean”which will be held through November and December 2021, as a combination...

Lefteris Arapakis of Greece announced as Ambassador for the Mediterranean Coast
Lefteris Arapakis of Greece announced as Ambassador for the Mediterranean Coast

On the 27 September 2021,  Lefteris Arapakis, a national of Greece, has received the honorary title of Ambassador for the Mediterranean Coast during the online event organised by t...

Spectacular Coast Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Spectacular Coast Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Mediterranean Coast Day celebration took place during a number of events that took place on 23 and 24 September 2021 in the frame of the CAMP B&H project. This included the cap...

Only two more weeks to go untill the annual Mediterranean Coast Day celebration
Only two more weeks to go untill the annual Mediterranean Coast Day celebration

As every year since 2007, we are getting ready to happily celebrate the Mediterranean Coast Day. As last year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it will not be possible to organize a l...

The International Centre for Comparative Environmental Law is organizing a webinar for the Mediterranean Coast Day
The International Centre for Comparative Environmental Law is organizing a webinar for the Mediterranean Coast Day

Despite its immensely rich biodiversity, the Mediterranean is now  one of the most polluted sea in the world. Plastic pollution is now a serious  new threat to these fragile ecosys...

Two new marine sites protected in Montenegro: another great achievement resulting from the GEF Adriatic project
Two new marine sites protected in Montenegro: another great achievement resulting from the GEF Adriatic project

On 30 July 2021, the Government of Montenegro passed a Decision on placing two marine sites in Boka-Kotorska Bay (Sopot and Dražin vrt) under preventive protection. This decision c...

Join us in marking Mediterranean Coast Day 2021
Join us in marking Mediterranean Coast Day 2021

In less than a month we are going to celebrate the Mediterranean Coast Day, and preparations are in full swing! 

This year, while COVID-related restrictions remain in place in m...

MedProgramme CP2.1 coordination meeting between PAP / RAC and Plan Bleu
MedProgramme CP2.1 coordination meeting between PAP / RAC and Plan Bleu

On 22 and 23 July, PAP / RAC was delighted to host a meeting with the representative of Plan Bleu in PAP / RAC premisses, in the framework of GEF MedProgramme Child Project 2.1. Th...

Securing the future of our sea with the GEF Adriatic project
Securing the future of our sea with the GEF Adriatic project

A ground-breaking initiative to secure the future of the Adriatic Sea culminates today, on the 28 of June, in Herceg Novi, where the Montenegrin Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planni...

Meeting to present the national ICZM strategy in Tunisia
Meeting to present the national ICZM strategy in Tunisia

On June 16, 2021, the Tunisian Coastal Protection and Planning Agency (APAL) in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) organized a virtual meeting to presen...

AdriAdapt final conference held
AdriAdapt final conference held

PAP/RAC, together with other partners of the Interreg AdriAdapt Project, participated in the Project’s online final conference “Knowledge for local resilience”, organized by the le...

The new integrated coastal zone management strategy (2020-2030) validated in Algeria!
The new integrated coastal zone management strategy (2020-2030) validated in Algeria!

Algeria has just sent us excellent news: on Sunday 23 May 2021, the ICZM 2020 - 2030 strategy was adopted by the Interministerial Commission responsible for its updating and implem...

1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development organized in Albania
1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development organized in Albania

On the 17 and 18 May 2021, the “1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development WEPSD-2020” was organised in Rogner hotel in Tirana. This...

Knowledge platform on climate change adaptation launched
Knowledge platform on climate change adaptation launched

PAP/RAC, together with Croatian partners (DHMZ, DOOR, ŠKŽ and the City of Vodice), held the final conference "Climate is changing, and so should we!"of the Interreg AdriAdapt proje...

Very good progress on CAMP B&H
Very good progress on CAMP B&H

In spite of the difficulties posed by the health situation the CAMP B&H project is well progressing with its activities. The analytical phase of sustainable tourism project, with a...

Mediterranean experience at the International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2021)
Mediterranean experience at the International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2021)

The PAP/RAC Director was given the honour to open the third day of the International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2021), held in virtual mode on 3-5 May from Seville, Spain, and to deliv...

A special MedOpen session dedicated to MSP is about to begin!
A special MedOpen session dedicated to MSP is about to begin!

On May 3rd, a special edition of the MedOpen course devoted entirely to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) will be launched. This session, which is particularly aimed at those involved ...

The first marine protected area declared in Montenegro
The first marine protected area declared in Montenegro

On the very day of Mother Earth celebration, the Nature Park "Platamuni" has been proclaimed the first Marine Protected Area in Montenegro.

The area of Platamuni is located in t...

PAP/RAC honoured to receive a visit from Montenegrin delegation
PAP/RAC honoured to receive a visit from Montenegrin delegation

During 19 and 20 April, PAP/RAC was honoured to host a meeting with the representatives of Montenegrin Ministry of ecology, spatial planning and urbanism in PAP/RAC premisses, in t...

ICZM and MSP for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
ICZM and MSP for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

At the invitation of IDDRI – the French Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, the PAP/RAC Director took part in the online workshop organized on 6-7 Ap...

AdriAdapt meeting in Šibenik
AdriAdapt meeting in Šibenik

On 26 March, working group of the ICZM County Committee of the Šibenik-Knin County met in Šibenik to discuss the progress of the Adriadapt project. The meeting was opened by County...

Copernicus workshop on land cover and land use mapping for the coastal zones
Copernicus workshop on land cover and land use mapping for the coastal zones

The Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) is hosting an online workshop on 8 April 2021 (10:00–15:40) to officially present the new Coastal Zone Land Cover Land Use (LC/LU) pro...

GEF ADRIATIC: virtual training on assessment of good environmental status regarding marine litter in Montenegro
GEF ADRIATIC: virtual training on assessment of good environmental status regarding marine litter in Montenegro

The first ever attempt to assess the good environmental status  (GES) for marine litter in Montenegro was introduced by Ms Milica Mandić  of the Institute of Marine Biology in Koto...

On March 8, International Woman's Day, we remember a remarkable woman
On March 8, International Woman's Day, we remember a remarkable woman

On the International Woman’s Day we remember Biliana Cicin-Sain, a remarkable woman indeed. Dr. Biliana Cicin-Sain (PhD in political science, UCLA, postdoctoral training, Harvard U...

CoED completed for Croatia
CoED completed for Croatia

The World Bank IBRD-IDA has published the final Croatia: Cost of Environmental Degradation report (CoED), as well as, a Story Map, presenting the report in a very appealing and int...

Sailing with MSP in Montenegro
Sailing with MSP in Montenegro

Following the round of meetings with the national institutions, a series of meetings with representatives of coastal municipalities of Montenegro were organised virtually during Ja...

UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention Secretariat’s newsletter is now available
UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention Secretariat’s newsletter is now available

We are pleased to inform you that the January 2021 issue of the UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention Secretariat’s newsletter “MED News”, produced by INFO-RAC, is now available online: ...

The UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2020 is now available
The UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2020 is now available

As temperatures rise and climate change impacts intensify, nations must urgently step up action to adapt to the new climate reality or face serious costs, damages and losses, a new...

Launching of the MOOC Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience
Launching of the MOOC Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience

What are ‘Nature-based solutions’ (NbS)? How can they help build resilience to disasters and climate change impacts? Why is NbS relevant? How can I apply NbS in my work and everyda...

Virtual discussion on development of the Montenegro database for marine and coastal data
Virtual discussion on development of the Montenegro database for marine and coastal data

On 11 January 2021, a virtual meeting was held within the frame of the GEF Adriatic project, to present and discuss the development of the national database for parameters relevant...

The 2020 edition of the MedOpen online course is officially over!
The 2020 edition of the MedOpen online course is officially over!

Even the Covid did not stop PAP / RAC and partner universities (the Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Tunisia and the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Al Hoceima, Morocco) from ...