PAP/RAC, as a partner in the SIMWESTMED & SUPREME projects, participated at the project Final conference “Planning the Mediterranean Sea”. The conference was held in Venice, Italy,...
Within the frame of the GEF Adriatic project, a series of training workshops on IMAP indicators were held for the Albanian and Montenegrin experts.
On 22 November 2018, a traini...
The world's most extreme race is putting sustainability at its heart and is focusing on taking action to “Turn the Tide on Plastic” – the rapidly growing and critical problem of pl...
The development of Blue Economy and Maritime Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean represents a transnational challenge for MPAs. Many maritime sectors are likely to operatemore fr...
Several meetings involving PAP/RAC contribution were held in parallel on 3-5 October 2018 in Bizerte, Tunisia: the PAP/RAC Director was invited to present the ICZM Protocol at the ...
Training workshops on IMAP Ecological Objectives 5 (Eutrophication) and 9 (Contaminants) were organized for Albanian and Montenegrin experts on 2 and 3 October 2018 in Podgorica, ...
On September 25 the city of Split, or more precisely the Museum of Fine Arts, hosted the central regional celebration of the Mediterranean Coast Day 2018 which was attended by 100-...
The central regional celebration of the Mediterranean Coast Day was a good opportunity for the Regional Seas to organize their annual meeting back-to-back with this event. The meet...
A training course on the challenge of delivering marine policy and governance effectively from the coastal zone to offshore across all relevant sector will be running for a second ...
The 6th European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA) conference will be organized, in collaboration with the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, on 2 - 5 October...
After the recent transformation of the coastal road between Koper and Izola to a recreational space for inhabitants and tourists, the newly established Municipality of Ankaran cont...
On 12 June 2018, back-to-back with the Land-sea forum of the Var County, a meeting was organized for the NGOs, PAP/RAC and the French Coastal Agency (Conservatoire du littoral), wi...
On 12 June 2018, PAP/RAC and the NGO CPIE Côte-Provençal organised, with support of the French Coastal Agency (Conservatoire du littoral) a Land-Sea Forum of the NGOs of the Var Co...
We celebrate World Oceans Day (8 June) to remind everyone of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. Action focus for 2018 is preventing plastic pollution and encouraging ...
The MedOpen on-line training on ICZM attended by graduate students with specialization in coastal management at the National Superior School for Marine Sciences and Coastal Managem...
On 4 to 6 June 2018, the SIMWESTMED partners met in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, to discuss the latest progress done within the project. The state of progress made by each partner was...
On 5 June 2018, more than 130 participants gathered in Paris on the occasion of Plan Bleu’s 40 years anniversary, during the international conference, organized jointly with the As...
The Working Group on the Common Regional Framework (CRF) for ICZM met for the second time in Athens, on 30-31 May 2018. The WG composed of the CPs’ representatives is mandated by t...
The Inception meeting of the GEF project “Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning” (GEF Adriatic Project) was held at in Tirana...
On Tuesday, 8 May, Cyprus, Greece, and Israel have signed the Implementation Agreement on the Sub-Regional Marine Oil Pollution Contingency Plan. The objective of the Plan is an ef...
Le Plan Bleu et l'Association Serge Antoine organisent le mardi 5 juin 2018, dans l'Amphithéâtre de la Société de géographie à Paris, un colloque consacré à quarante années de réfl...
At the invitation of the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission (BSC), PAP/RAC participated at the 22nd meeting of the Advisory Group (AG) on the Development of Common M...
The 4th meeting of the Co-Evolve project Steering committee was organized by the Emilia-Romagna region on 6 March 2018 in Bologna, Italy. The event began with the presentation of o...
The 2017 Mediterranean Quality Status Report was launched at the 20th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, held in Tirana, Albania, on 17-20 Dec...
On 20 February 2018, H.E. Mr. Tomislav Ćorić, Croatian Minister of Environment and Energy, met with H.E. Mr. Blendi Klosi, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Albania and H...
On 13 and 14 February 2018, the SIMWESTMED partners met in Marseille, France, to review the progress of project activities. Rich discussions helped the French, Spanish, Italian and...
On 13 February 2018, a meeting with local authorities of the CAMP area (Neum municipality, as the only coastal municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina – B&H) and national authoritie...
A meeting of the County Committee for integrated coastal and marine management was held on March 7th at the premises of the Šibenik-Knin County. The Committee was founded as a resu...
A PAP/RAC representative participated at a meeting to launch the Buna Delta Protection project organized on 25 January 2018 in Shkodra (Albania). The meeting was attended by around...
The “Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award” was conferred to Izmir (Turkey) during the high-level session of the 20th Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convent...