The workshop on the use of strategic coastal planning and management to reinforce awareness of and preparedness for tsunamis and other sea-level related hazards was held at the pre...
On 1 December 2011, the Assembly of Montenegro adopted the decision to ratify the ICZM Protocol to the Barcelona Convention. The conclusion of the Protocol by Montenegro brings the...
The 10th MEDCOAST scientific conference was held in Rhodes, Greece, from 25 to 29 October. More than 100 participants from the Mediterranean, but also from other world countries li...
An Extraordinary meeting of the PAP/RAC National Focal Points (FPs) was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 18 -19 October 2011. On the first day of the meeting the preliminary results ...
CAMP “Levante de Almeria” is currently in its full swing including the participation of stakeholders and other actors in various CAMP events, such as the meetings of the Coastal Co...
Following the proposal of the Algerian Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment (MATE), the 2011 regional Coast Day celebration was organised in Algiers, under the high patron...
It has become tradition to celebrate the Coast Day on 25 September. This year, the theme will be “The Protocol has Entered into Force”. The central regional celebration will be or...
On 11 July 2011, the First Harmonisation Meeting for the management of the Buna/Bojana coastal area, river basin and aquifers (1st Buna/Bojana Harmonisation Meeting) took place in ...
The 3rd meeting of the government designated experts on ecosystem approach took place in Durres (Albania), on 2-3 June 2011. This meeting aimed at validating the operational and ec...
The 14th meeting of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) was held in Budva (Montenegro), from 30 May to 1 June 2011. Opened by Montenegro’s Environment Mi...
The Expert group meeting on harmonizing the national legal and institutional framework with ICZM Protocol took place during 18 and 19 May in the PAP/RAC premises in Split, Croatia....
During 11 and 13 May, a Joint meeting of the National Focal Points of the BP, Info and PAP Regional Activity Centres (RACs) took place in Nice. This was a regular biennium meeting ...
Today, the MedOpen Advanced course on ICZM announced results of the candidates. The best student is Ms. Zoi Konstantinou from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Cong...
Today, a bit over two years after it was opened for ratifications, the ICZM Protocol entered into force! Such a short period of time needed for this Protocol to enter into force ex...
On 18 March 2011, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration organised, in co-operation with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, a Roun...
In the framework of GEF MedPartnership project a working meeting for the preparation of a transboundary Buna/Bojana (Albania/Montenegro) Coastal Zone Plan took place in Podgorica o...