
COP 14 very positive for PAP/RAC
COP 14 very positive for PAP/RAC

The 14th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Regions of the Medit...

PAP/RAC at SMAP workshops in Algeria and Syria
PAP/RAC at SMAP workshops in Algeria and Syria
In the framework of the Regional Euro-Mediterranean Programme for the Environment (SMAP) a series of national workshops "Environmental ...
Launching of landscape management activity
Launching of landscape management activity

The immense diversity of Mediterranean landscapes contributes to local and regional identity, reflecting the past and present relationships between the man and hi...

ICAM Protocol found innovative by Ocean Policy Summit
ICAM Protocol found innovative by Ocean Policy Summit
PAP/RAC Director attended the Ocean Policy Summit, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal from 10 -14 October 2005. The Summit was opened by Mr. ...
FAO and PAP/RAC jointly against land degradation
FAO and PAP/RAC jointly against land degradation

In order to streamline international and regional efforts to combat land degradation; harmonise methodologies for data collection and analysis; and to better util...

Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina Crossborder co-operation on River Basin Management
Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina Crossborder co-operation on River Basin Management
The project "Neretva and Trebisnjica River Basin Management" intends to improve water resource management on the river basin and transb...
Very fruitfull Workshop in Oristano
Very fruitfull Workshop in Oristano

The Consultative Workshop on ICAM Protocol that took place in Oristano, Sardinia, 24-25 June 2005 was very fruitfull. It was attended by 42 participants from 14 ...

CoastLearn final workshop
CoastLearn final workshop
The final workshop of the CoastLearn - Development of Trans-national Networks took place in Antalya (Turkey) from 8 -11 June 2005. The ...
Consultative workshop on ICAM Protocol in Oristano
Consultative workshop on ICAM Protocol in Oristano

Prior to presenting the final draft of the Protocol for coastal zone management to the Contracting Parties at their Ordinary meeting in November 2005 in Portoroz,...

PAP/RAC successful at Focal Points meeting
PAP/RAC successful at Focal Points meeting
Joint Meeting of the National Focal Points of BP/RAC, ERS/RAC and PAP/RAC was held in Nice, 12-15 May 2005. The main objective of the meeting was to review the activities undertake...
BARE workshop in Malta
BARE workshop in Malta
Under the aegis of the Mediterranean Action Plan, the Priority Action Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC) has launched a regional ...
Workshop on ICAM Strategy
Workshop on ICAM Strategy
The Report of the Expert Workshop to Prepare the ICAM Strategy in the Mediterranean, held in Split 17-19 March 2005, is now available.
Draft ICAM Protocol available now
Draft ICAM Protocol available now
A new version of the draft ICAM Protocol is now available on this site, including the Commentary. It is a result of the third meeting o...
ICAM Strategy for the Mediterranean on the way
ICAM Strategy for the Mediterranean on the way
At the meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention in Catania (2003) a request has been made to the Secretariat of M...
Third Meeting of the ICAM Protocol Drafting Group
Third Meeting of the ICAM Protocol Drafting Group
The Drafting Group for the ICAM Protocol has prepared the second draft of the Protocol on the basis of the discussions and recommendations ...
Spain decided to change the CAMP area
Spain decided to change the CAMP area
The Spanish authorities informed MAP that they decided to change the CAMP area and asked to commence with preliminary activities for this new area. The area to be covered by this C...
First draft of ICAM Protocol discussed
First draft of ICAM Protocol discussed
The second meeting of the Working Group to prepare the text of the ICAM Protocol was held in Athens, 4-5 January 2005. After some years of initial dis...