The final workshop of the CoastLearn - Development of Trans-national Networks took place in Antalya (Turkey) from 8 -11 June 2005. The main objectives of the meeting were to finalise the action plan, to evaluate the CoMPAS simulation game and exploring possibilities of its further upgrade, and to discuss the project follow-up. Partners from Croatia, EUCC, Latvia, Lithuania Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey participated at the workshop.
CoastLearn is a distance Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) vocational training package that makes extensive use of the electronic media. The package is tailored to the training and technical needs of countries in transition, and aims to target coastal managers and planners working at local, sub-national, and national levels. The secondary target groups are universities and NGOs. It is an on-line, free of charge and flexible training tool.
Coastlearn is a multilingual tool, being already available in English, Polish, Turkish and French. Currently a Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian and a Bulgarian version are under development. In addition, CoastLearn aims to exchange knowledge and practice experience, support ICZM processes and promote trans-national and trans-sectoral networks.