
ENCORA met in Paris
ENCORA met in Paris

PAP/RAC participated at the ENCORA project conference that took place in Paris on 5-7 December 2007. The objective of the conference was to discuss drafts of the European Action Pl...

ICZM Protocol ready for signature!
ICZM Protocol ready for signature!

The fifth meeting of the Working Group of legal and technical experts designated by the Contracting Parties was held in Loutraki, Greece, on 10 and 11 December 2007. The purpose o...

PAP/RAC initiated Med Alert
PAP/RAC initiated Med Alert

Our experience shows that the results of coastal management practice and research are not always fully exploited by the scientists and practitioners in the field. PAP/RAC has, thus...

4th PlanCoast Conference
4th PlanCoast Conference

The 4th PlanCoast Conference "Climate change and growing sea use pressures: solutions offered by Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)" took place in Berlin, November 20-22, 2007. It was d...


Under the auspices of IFREMER, on November 20-21, the first EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Conference was organised in Toulon, entitled "Building together responses to challenges posed by the ...

PAP/RAC coloured the MedCoast 07
PAP/RAC coloured the MedCoast 07

PAP/RAC attended the Eighth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment MEDCOAST 2007 that took place from 13 to 17 November in Alexandria, Egypt. PAP/RAC con...

PAP/RAC excels in Morocco
PAP/RAC excels in Morocco
Last week, the presence of PAP/RAC in Morocco reached its peak. Three events of the highest importance for the promotion of integrated management and sustainable development of the...
Educom@med on a field module
Educom@med on a field module
In the framework of Educom@med - virtual postgraduate course on ICZM, a field-based module was organised by PAP/RAC in the premises of Marine Biology Station in Piran, from 1-7 Oct...
TV advert to promote sustainable coastal development
TV advert to promote sustainable coastal development

Through the eyes of a child, the advert takes us on a journey to a coastal future in which we have failed to tackle the worst problems of pollution, development and climate change....

Algeria: "Destinations", SDAL, "Coast Day" …
Algeria: "Destinations", SDAL, "Coast Day" …
The month of September was marked by a strong presence of PAP/RAC in Algeria. On September 11, "Destinations" project was officially launched during a meeting organised by the nati...
PERSGA delegation in the Adriatic
PERSGA delegation in the Adriatic

An important mission of PAP/RAC is also to share experience and collaborate on common issues with other Regional Seas Programmes of UNEP and other intergovernmental organisations. ...

Conference on marine spatial planning
Conference on marine spatial planning
PAP/RAC is introducing a completely new field of spatial planning in the framework of ICZM, i.e. marine spatial planning (MSP). This is undoubtedly an emerging issue in many countr...
PlanCoast on study tour
PlanCoast on study tour
The PlanCoast study tour was organised by the Lead Partner - Ministry of Transport, Building and Regional Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 3-6 July 2007. It had an objective of s...
Beach management guidelines round the corner
Beach management guidelines round the corner
Regional Workshop on Beach Management Guidelines for the Mediterranean was held in the premises of the Foundation for International Studies in Valletta, Malta, on July 2-3, 2007. I...
Mr. Chérif Rahmani - Ambassador for the Coast
Mr. Chérif Rahmani - Ambassador for the Coast
Mr. Chérif Rahmani, the Algerian Minister of Land-use Planning, Environment and Tourism, accepted to be the "Ambassador for the Coast" in a MAP initiative to raise awareness of the...
CAMP Slovenia completed
CAMP Slovenia completed

The Final Presentation Conference for the CAMP Slovenia project was held in Portoroz, on June 20-21, 2007. The conference was the concluding event of this very successful project t...

ICZM Protocol close to signature
ICZM Protocol close to signature
From June 13-16, 2007, Split was for the second time the host city for the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group (WG) to prepare the final draft of the ICZM Protocol. The WG very tho...
PAP/RAC Focal Points met in Palermo
PAP/RAC Focal Points met in Palermo
The National Focal Points of PAP/RAC met with the BP and Info RACs Focal Points in Palermo, on June 5-7, 2007. The meeting was an opportunity to put the three RACs' activities in t...
Beach management guidelines soon
Beach management guidelines soon

For some time now, PAP/RAC has been involved in activities dealing with beach management. The need was felt for appropriate guidelines to assist the relevant national authorities i...

PAP/RAC has turned 30
PAP/RAC has turned 30
On June 14, on the occasion of the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on ICZM Protocol held in Split, a little celebration was organised to mark 30 years that have passed since th...
Draft manual on sustainable tourism
Draft manual on sustainable tourism
Given its long experience in ICZM and in tourism-related activities PAP/RAC was approached by the UNEP/DTIE office in Paris regarding the preparation of a Manual for inclusion of s...
Appointing Mr. R. Soru Ambassador for the Coast
Appointing Mr. R. Soru Ambassador for the Coast
Representatives of PAP/RAC of UNEP/MAP will be visiting Cagliari, Sardinia, to appoint Mr. Soru, President of Sardinia Region, Ambassador for the Coast. With the recent initiatives...
PAP/RAC under microscope by its Focal Points
PAP/RAC under microscope by its Focal Points
A Meeting of the National Focal Points of PAP/RAC will be held in Palermo, 5-7 June 2007. This is going to be an opportunity to put PAP/RAC activities in the 2006-2007 biennium und...
Pressures of nautical tourism on coastal areas
Pressures of nautical tourism on coastal areas
A meeting held at the "Park" hotel in Rovinj, Croatia, on May 19 - 20, 2007, was attended by about fifty participants, mainly mayors of Mediterranean cities disposing of nautical t...
Montenegro steps towards the ICZM Protocol
Montenegro steps towards the ICZM Protocol
On the initiative of the Montenegrin Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection, a Workshop on ICZM - "Perspectives of the implementation of the future ICZM Protocol for the...
SMAP III Workshop in Morocco
SMAP III Workshop in Morocco
In the framework of SMAP III "ICZM for the Mediterranean", a workshop to present the project and a "Policy Brief" prepared for this country, was held in the premises of the Nationa...
Launch of "Destinations" project in Tunisia
Launch of "Destinations" project in Tunisia
Tunisia was the first of the three participating countries to officially launch the "Destinations" project, which has been co-financed by LIFE - Third countries programme of the Eu...
Kick-off for Conscience project
Kick-off for Conscience project
Zandvoort, the Netherlands, was the venue of the Kick-off meeting for the Conscience project on March 28-29, 2007. PAP/RAC participated at the meeting as project partner. The proje...
First workshop to present ICZM Policy Brief in Morocco
First workshop to present ICZM Policy Brief in Morocco
The First workshop to present ICZM Policy Brief for Morocco, prepared within the SMAP III ICZM project, will be held in Rabat, Morocco, on May 8th. PAP/RAC experts, together with t
Final and crucial meeting of the WG on ICZM Protocol
Final and crucial meeting of the WG on ICZM Protocol
The Working Group on ICZM Protocol will gather for the fourth time, this time in Split on June 13-16, 2007. The experts will have a crucial task this time, as the sincere intention...
Ambitious steps of the Adriatic Sea Partnership
Ambitious steps of the Adriatic Sea Partnership
The First meeting of the Adriatic Sea Partnership (ASP) took place in Sarajevo, on April 3, 2007. Representatives of the five Adriatic countries of the Partnership, as well as repr...
Mr. Soru - The Ambassador for the Coast
Mr. Soru - The Ambassador for the Coast
Mr. Renato Soru, President of Sardinia region, joined PAP/RAC in the Awareness Raising Campaign organised in the framework of the Coast Day. Through the appointment of Mr. Soru the...
Prof. Matvejevic - The Ambassador for the Coast
Prof. Matvejevic - The Ambassador for the Coast
Prof. Predrag Matvejevic, the author of the famous "Mediterranean Breviary", was the first to accept PAP/RAC's invitation to be the Ambassador for the Coast in a major initiative o...
LIFE-Third Countries projects kick-off meeting
LIFE-Third Countries projects kick-off meeting
Representatives of PAP/RAC, as a beneficiary of the "Destinations" project, attended the kick-off meeting on LIFE-Third Countries projects approved in 2006. The meeting was held in...
The Ambassadors for the Coast
The Ambassadors for the Coast
In the framework of the Coast Day, i.e. the Awareness Raising Campaign within the MAP/METAP SMAP III project, PAP has decided to appoint distinguished persons to be the Ambassadors
Coast Day web site launched
Coast Day web site launched
We are pleased to inform you that the Coast Day web site has been launched. This is the new web site that promotes the value of the coast and necessity of using an integrated appro...
Mid-Term Review Meeting on CAMP Cyprus
Mid-Term Review Meeting on CAMP Cyprus
On February 16, 2007 a mid-term review meeting on CAMP Cyprus has been co-organised by the Cypriot Ministry for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, and PAP/RAC. The CA...
Guidelines on DSS for water resources
Guidelines on DSS for water resources
In the framework of the NOSTRUM-Dss (Decision Support System), a project related to water resources management, the Science and Policy Workshop took place in Bari, Italy, on 15-16 ...
ICZM Protocol close to finalisation
ICZM Protocol close to finalisation

The Working Group on ICZM Protocol met for the third time in Loutraki, Greece, on 12-15 February. The meeting was attended by the representatives of all Mediterranean countries (ex...

SMAP III ICZM workshop held in Cairo
SMAP III ICZM workshop held in Cairo
PAP/RAC presented the progress done by the Centre within the SMAP III MAP/METAP project at the 2nd regional ICZM workshop held in Cairo, Egypt, on 10-12 February. Besides focusing ...
PAP/RAC invited to participate to the BEACHMED-e project
PAP/RAC invited to participate to the BEACHMED-e project
PAP/RAC was invited to the BEACHMED-e subproject 3.2. meeting in Genova, Italy (February 8) in order to define PAP/RAC involvement in the project. The BEACHMED-e was approved in Ap...
Euro-Med Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System
Euro-Med Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System
The 3rd Meeting of the Intergovernmental Co-ordination Group for the North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (NEAMTWS) was o...
Let's dim all the lights on February 1 between 7.55 and 8.00 PM!
Let's dim all the lights on February 1 between 7.55 and 8.00 PM!
The UN's paramount scientific authority on climate change, IPCC, meets in Paris from January 29 to February 1 to hammer out the first volume of a long-awaited report on the state o...
WG on ICZM Protocol will meet for the third time
WG on ICZM Protocol will meet for the third time
Accidentally or not, the Working Group on ICZM Protocol will meet for the third time, again, in Loutraki, Greece, on 12-15 February 2007. The experts are expected to continue their...