PAP/RAC participated at the ENCORA project conference that took place in Paris on 5-7 December 2007. The objective of the conference was to discuss drafts of the European Action Plans for each ENCORA thematic field. The Action Plans constitute an authoritative document reflecting the expertise of 1500+ ENCORA members from across Europe. They will generate new incentives to national and European research and they will influence the direction of future EC framework programmes. During the conference, the plans were discussed and proposals given for their finalisation.
ENCORA project is supported by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (Global Change and Ecosystems). The ENCORA Project themes address issues of concern for the implementation of ICZM in Europe. The theme networks carry out a survey of existing knowledge and experience in the participating countries on coastal processes, policies and practices, analyse strengthes and weaknesses and propose a European Action Plan to address major deficiencies in science, policies and practices. PAP/RAC has been invited to participate in the works of two thematic groups: Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning (Theme 3), and Capacity Building, Training and Education in ICZM (Theme 10).