The central regional celebration of the Mediterranean Coast Day was a good opportunity for the Regional Seas to organize their annual meeting back-to-back with this event. The meeting was held in the PAP/RAC premises, on 23-24 September 2018. The benefit was double: that was an occasion for the representatives of the UN Environment and its Regional Seas to assist to the Mediterranean Coast Day and maybe find inspiration for similar events in other Regional Seas; on the other hand, PAP/RAC had the possibility to present the ICZM Protocol and the process of its preparation, adoption and implementation. Following the presentation made by the PAP/RAC Director, representatives of the other Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans congratulated PAP/RAC for its work and expressed wishes for establishing collaboration on ICZM and MSP issues. It was noted that the ICZM Protocol and PAP/RAC’s work have already been a source of inspiration for the Nairobi Convention initiative aiming to develop an ICZM Protocol for its own regional sea and that the cooperation within the Pegaso project helped producing and adopting the ICZM Guidelines for the Black Sea region.