

CAMP B&H successfully concluded
CAMP B&H successfully concluded

The 4th meeting of the Steering Committee for the CAMP project in Bosnia and Herzegovina gathered on 19th December 2023 in Sarajevo at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Trade...

CAMP Otranto Final Conference Spotlights Transboundary Collaborations
CAMP Otranto Final Conference Spotlights Transboundary Collaborations

The concluding event of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto project took place at the Maritim Hotel Plaza in Tirana on December 13, 2023, as a hybrid physical and online event. The conf...

Two climate milestones at two COPs
Two climate milestones at two COPs

Last week, two climate milestones concluded – The Summary for Policymakers of the MedECC Special Report on climate and environmental coastal risks in the Mediterranean has been end...

CAMP Otranto Final Conference - Boosting Coastal Sustainability in the South Adriatic
CAMP Otranto Final Conference - Boosting Coastal Sustainability in the South Adriatic

The project will end with the CAMP Otranto Final Conference at the Maritim Hotel Plaza in Tirana on 13 December 2023. People not able to attend in person can join via Zoom from 9 a...

Workshop on monitoring land cover changes for participants from Montenegro
Workshop on monitoring land cover changes for participants from Montenegro

Within the framework of Child Project 2.1. of the GEF MedProgramme, an online workshop was held on 28th November 2023 regarding the preliminary analyses of land cover change for th...

Ministers gathered for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol in Tunisia
Ministers gathered for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol in Tunisia

On November 6, 2023, an "Information Day on the rationalization of the management of the Tunisian coastline through the implementation of the ICZM Protocol" was organized jointly b...

2nd MSPforum for Africa
2nd MSPforum for Africa

Organised by the IOC-UNESCO and co-organised by the African Union, the Nairobi Convention Secretariat, the Abidjan Convention Secretariat and PAP/RAC of UNEP/MAP, the 2nd MSPforum ...

Field study of an Algerian delegation to Croatia
Field study of an Algerian delegation to Croatia

During the week of October 23 to 27, an Algerian delegation composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Environment and Renewable Energy, the Ministry of Fisheries and Fishe...

Mediterranean Coastal Day highlighting invisible resources: coastal aquifers
Mediterranean Coastal Day highlighting invisible resources: coastal aquifers

The 2024 edition of Mediterranean Coastal Day took place in Vlorë, Albania, on September 25, 2023 with to the support of the MedProgramme of the Global Environment Facility. The ce...