

Mediterranean countries discuss legal frameworks for coastal land management
Mediterranean countries discuss legal frameworks for coastal land management

Jointly organised by the Union for the Mediterranean, PAP/RAC, UN-Habitat, IUCN, and in co-operation with DG NEAR, DG ENV, a Mediterranean wide workshop on legal-regulatory framewo...

Adriatic Adaptation Award Winners at the CREATE Final event
Adriatic Adaptation Award Winners at the CREATE Final event

The results of the Adriatic Adaptation Award Context as well as the CREATE project results were presented on June 14 in Venice, during the project Final Conference. Adriatic Adapta...

Building Climate Resilience - The Interreg CREATE Project's Final Conference
Building Climate Resilience - The Interreg CREATE Project's Final Conference

Save the Date: Join us in Venice (Italy) for the Final Conference of the Interreg Italy-Croatia project CREATE – “Climate Responses for the AdriaTic REGion” on June 14, 2023!


Successful completion of the in-depth ICZM training course in Israël
Successful completion of the in-depth ICZM training course in Israël

On 21 May 2023, the last session of the in-depth training course on integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) was held in Tel Aviv, as one of the key capacity-building activities i...

Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management held in Split
Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management held in Split

A meeting of experts was held on 26-27 May within the framework of child project 2.1. of the GEF MedProgramme, regarding the preliminary analyses of the calculations of Land Cover ...

Coastal legal frameworks workshop identifies recommendations for Mediterranean countries
Coastal legal frameworks workshop identifies recommendations for Mediterranean countries

On May 25, 2023, a regional workshop on coastal legislation was organized in Split within the framework of child project 2.1. of the GEF MedProgramme. During this workshop, 5 exper...

Another successful PAP/RAC Focal Points meeting in Split
Another successful PAP/RAC Focal Points meeting in Split

On 23-24 May 2023, PAP/RAC hosted the Focal Points of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention to discuss the progress made in 2022-2023 and agree on the Programme of Wo...

CAMP Otranto Mid-Term Conference highlights transboundary collaboration
CAMP Otranto Mid-Term Conference highlights transboundary collaboration

Transboundary Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) were at the forefront of the CAMP Otranto Mid-Term Conference and training course hosted...

Communicating Climate Change - 7th Thursday CREATivE Talks Webinar
Communicating Climate Change - 7th Thursday CREATivE Talks Webinar

Climate change communication is an essential tool in addressing the urgent global challenge of climate change. By effectively communicating the science, impacts, and solutions, we ...