

MedProgramme Seminar boosts MSP across the Region
MedProgramme Seminar boosts MSP across the Region

PAP/RAC has successfully organized an online seminar on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) that took place on the 15th of December 2022, and continued on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2...

Local workshop in Vlora region promotes CAMP Otranto Transboundary Project in Albania
Local workshop in Vlora region promotes CAMP Otranto Transboundary Project in Albania

On the 26th of January 2023, Albania hosted a local workshop within the framework of CAMP Otranto Transboundary project, as an opportunity for stakeholders and local actors (includ...

CAMP Israel Inception workshop and 1st ICZM training held in Tel Aviv
CAMP Israel Inception workshop and 1st ICZM training held in Tel Aviv

With the aim to support capacity building, development of ICZM tools and promotion of good practices for sustainable development of coastal areas in Israel, the Ministry of Environ...

CREATE project announces: The Adriatic Adaptation Award
CREATE project announces: The Adriatic Adaptation Award

The Adriatic Region, being part of the Mediterranean, is among the most severely impacted systems by the effects of climate change. While facing an intensification of urbanisation ...

Fourth webinar of Thursday CREATivE Talks is dedicated to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in a changing climate
Fourth webinar of Thursday CREATivE Talks is dedicated to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in a changing climate

As an integrated process, Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) aims to cope with the increasing demand for marine space and resources from traditional (e.g., maritime transport, tourism...

Stakeholders discussing sustainability indicators and climate impacts in the Boka Kotorska Bay
Stakeholders discussing sustainability indicators and climate impacts in the Boka Kotorska Bay

On 18 January 2023, a third stakeholder meeting on the preparation of the Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay, was held in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, in parallel with the t...

The third edition of Thursday CREATivE Talks highlights the value of Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
The third edition of Thursday CREATivE Talks highlights the value of Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

After presenting specific funding possibilities for climate action in Croatia & Italy and the importance of adaptation planning for coastal areas in relation to the impacts of clim...

Horizon project ‘MSP4BIO’ reaches a new milestone
Horizon project ‘MSP4BIO’ reaches a new milestone

The project MSP4BIO – ‘Improved Science-based Maritime Spatial Planning to Safeguard and Restore Biodiversity in a Coherent European MPA Network’ – has established the Community of...

The gender-sensitive climate risk assessment and coastal adaptation  solutions presented in Tangier
The gender-sensitive climate risk assessment and coastal adaptation solutions presented in Tangier

PAP/RAC was happy to engage and to continue working with our  colleagues in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, this time on  gender-sensitive climate risk assessment and coasta...