Under the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and with the support of the European Commission, the National Research Council of Italy organised, in Naples, on 3-4 November 2014, the conference “EuroMED Cooperation: Inland and Marine Water Challenges”. The aim of the Conference was to enhance the international co-operation on research and innovation (http://www.euromed-imwc.eu/index.html).
The PAP/RAC Director was given the chance to deliver the key note speech at one of the four parallel thematic workshops held during this two-day Conference: the one on a Mediterranean integrated ocean observing system to support sustainable coastal and marine tourism. That was another occasion to underline the importance and role of tourism within ICZM as well as the usefulness of the ICZM principles and tools for reaching the objectives of sustainable tourism as defined by UNEP and UNWTO. The conference provided a unique opportunity for the European and non-European scientific communities, national and international policy-makers, inter-governmental bodies and relevant stakeholders from private sector to discuss an innovative issue and identify key societal challenges and research priorities with regard to inland and marine water, with particular regard to the enhancement of the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation.