Mr. Josip Kosoviæ, geography teacher at the “Vladimir Nazor“ high school, Split, participated in the work of the geography teachers professional council for the County of Split-Dalmatia, organised on April 5. As the head of the council he had an introductory speech in which he mentioned the co-operation of his school, and especially his advanced geography group of students, with PAP/RAC which culminated in the participation of his students in the last year's Coast Day celebration in both Split and Rimini. He informed his colleagues on the work of our Centre emphasising particularly the ICZM Protocol and its significance for sustainable coastal management, and the Coast Day as an important tool for the promotion of coastal issues. He then showed the posters prepared by his students for the last year’s event in Split and the presentations they made at the central regional celebration in Rimini. His colleagues showed great interest in the subject and several of them enquired about the possibility of establishing contacts with PAP/RAC. We are very pleased with all that since we highly regard the co-operation with the local community, and especially the children and adolescents.