On 5 - 6 May 2017, PAP/RAC joined the meeting on “small sustainable islands”. The meeting, which was organized in the island of Zlarin, Croatia, brought together the French actors associated with the SMILO Initiative (Conservatoire du littoral and Port Cros National Park) and the Croatian local and regional actors dealing with the protection, management and development of islands in Croatia and representing the Šibenik-Knin County, the City of Šibenik, the Regional Development Agency of the Šibenik-Knin County, the 5 LAG, the LAG More 249, the island association “Pokret Otoka”, the island of Silba, the Institute of Economics Zagreb, the island of Zlarin, including its Tourist Board and the Island Council, as well as the folk ensembles “Koralj” and Bodulièi, the volunteer fire-fighters associations, and the Yacht Club.
The meeting was organized back-to-back with a workshop dedicated to the local community of Zlarin - the Croatian pilot island of this initiative. The goals of the meeting were: (i) to move forward towards the process of labelling the island of Zlarin as a "sustainable island" and to define an action plan for its sustainable development, and (ii) to continue the efforts for the implementation of actions and development of synergies as a part of the SMILO international activities, as well as to expand the network with new partners in Croatia.
On the occasion of the meeting, representatives of the City of Šibenik and the Šibenik-Knin County signed the Declaration of sustainable development of small islands. Also, the local Committee for sustainable development of the island of Zlarin was set up. This two-day meeting allowed the participants to share their experiences, knowledge and points of view in order to move towards the implementation of joint actions.