Back-to-back with the Mediterranean Coast Day celebration in Tivat, Montenegro, on 26 September 2017, the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1: Mediterranean coastal zones: climate resilience, water security and habitat protection held its first sub-regional preparatory consultations. The consultations were organized for the representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. With its wide scope and large GEF grant of 45 million USD approximately, the MedProgramme represents the largest International Waters GEF-funded efforts implemented by the UN Environment and one of the biggest multi-focal area Programme ever approved by the GEF. These consultations were organized to discuss proposed activities related to the coastal and water resources management. The main objectives of the meeting were: to present MedProgramme Child Project 2.1; to assess the needs related to the Child Project objectives; and to present and discuss demonstration pilot opportunities. Representatives of the countries proposed different activities of interest for the countries related to the project outcomes and targets. Second consultations for the remaining countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, will be organized in November this year.