On 15 November 2017, PAP/RAC, being an associate partner, participated in the final conference of the “CoRE” project organised at the “Splendid” hotel, Bećići, Montenegro.
“CoRE“ is an EU/IPA project managed by the Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia and the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro and implemented by the Hydrographic Institute of Croatia and the Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro, and their partners University of Dubrovnik – Institute for Marine and Coastal Research, and the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro. The specific objectives of the project were to: establish safety protocols and new hydrographical maps based on research and gathered data; and to increase general knowledge of wide groups of stakeholders on maritime property (maritime domain) coastal component and its sustainable littoralisation.
The final conference focused on presenting the final outputs of the project: results of the field work in both Croatia and Montenegro, but also on comparative analysis of the maritime domain status in Croatia and Montenegro. The project deepened an already established successful collaboration between PAP/RAC and other involved partners from Croatia and Montenegro.