

Third Meeting of the ICAM Protocol Drafting Group
Third Meeting of the ICAM Protocol Drafting Group
The Drafting Group for the ICAM Protocol has prepared the second draft of the Protocol on the basis of the discussions and recommendations ...
Spain decided to change the CAMP area
Spain decided to change the CAMP area
The Spanish authorities informed MAP that they decided to change the CAMP area and asked to commence with preliminary activities for this new area. The area to be covered by this C...
First draft of ICAM Protocol discussed
First draft of ICAM Protocol discussed
The second meeting of the Working Group to prepare the text of the ICAM Protocol was held in Athens, 4-5 January 2005. After some years of initial dis...
CAMP Algeria: Training on participatory techniques
CAMP Algeria: Training on participatory techniques
The third training course for young animators took place in the framework of CAMP Algeria on 12 -14 December 2004 in the premises of the Training Cent...
CAMP Algeria: Brainstorming of national team leaders and PAP consultants
CAMP Algeria: Brainstorming of national team leaders and PAP consultants
A brainstorming of all national team leaders and PAP consultants took place on 20 December 2004 at the National Centre for Urban Studies and Research (CNERU). This meeting, chaired...
CoLD Final Conference in Damascus
CoLD Final Conference in Damascus

Results of the "CoLD - Improving Coastal Land Degradation Monitoring in Lebanon and Syria" project were presented and discussed at the Final Presentation ...

METAP Training for Algerian Environment Officers
METAP Training for Algerian Environment Officers
Within the activities aiming at the promotion of integrated coastal area management (ICAM) in Algeria, METAP decided to finance training on the methods an...
Results of the 1st Phase of CAMP Algeria Presented
Results of the 1st Phase of CAMP Algeria Presented

On October 10, a seminar for the presentation of the results of the "diagnostic" phase of the Algerian CAMP was organised in Algiers, in the premises of t...

Drafting group for ICAM Protocol established
Drafting group for ICAM Protocol established

At the meeting that took place on 1-2 October 2004 in Split , five legal and technical experts of the drafting group, together with MEDU and PAP/RAC staff...