

Co-ordination meeting of the EDUCOM@MED project
Co-ordination meeting of the EDUCOM@MED project

From June 7 -11, the co-ordination meeting of the EDUCOM@MED project was held at the Faculty of Economics, University of Split. Representatives of the University of Sevilla, Univer...

Adriatic - Mediterranean Area on the Edge of Europe
Adriatic - Mediterranean Area on the Edge of Europe
International Conference “Adriatic - Mediterranean Area on the Edge of Europe”, organised by “Regione Marche” took place in Ancona, June 7th, 2006. The Marche Regional Authority or...
Working Group on ICZM Protocol dig into Articles
Working Group on ICZM Protocol dig into Articles
Pursuant to the decision of the 14th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, held in Portoroz, Slovenia (November 8 – 11, 2005), ...
ICZM Priorities within GEF discussed
ICZM Priorities within GEF discussed
The Expert meeting to Identify priority actions for Integrated Coastal Management (ICM), within the GEF Strategic Partnership in the Maghreb, Mashrek, Turkey and Adriatic countries...
Brainstorming meeting of the SMAP III Project
Brainstorming meeting of the SMAP III Project
During the Brainstorming meeting for the MAP/METAP Project in the framework of SMAP III (Split, April 3-4, 2006)  it became evident that there was a need to enhance co-ordination o...
War declared to coastal erosion
War declared to coastal erosion
Within its programme of activities, PAP/RAC organised an expert meeting “Towards Mediterranean Regional Strategy on Coastal Erosion: Benefiting from the EUROSION Project“. It was f...
SMAP III on the way
SMAP III on the way
In the framework of SMAP project: "Promoting Awareness and Enabling a Policy Framework for Environment and Development Integration in the Mediterranean with Focus on Integrated Coa...
EUROSION for the Mediterranean
EUROSION for the Mediterranean
The EU has implemented the EUROSION project ( It was a very successful project that resulted in recommendations for c...
New stage for ICAM Protocol
New stage for ICAM Protocol
At their 14th Meeting, the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its protocols (Portoroz, November 8-11, 2005) decided to establish ...