

EUROSION for the Mediterranean
EUROSION for the Mediterranean
The EU has implemented the EUROSION project ( It was a very successful project that resulted in recommendations for c...
New stage for ICAM Protocol
New stage for ICAM Protocol
At their 14th Meeting, the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its protocols (Portoroz, November 8-11, 2005) decided to establish ...
''Prior-to-CAMP'' Workshop in Morocco
''Prior-to-CAMP'' Workshop in Morocco
Upon request of the Moroccan Ministry of Physical Planning, Water and Environment (MATEE), a workshop was organised in Fes, February 14, ...
CAMP Algeria concluded
CAMP Algeria concluded

The Final Presentation Conference for CAMP Algeria, held at the hotel Al-Aurassi in Algiers on January 30, 2006, was attended by about 200 participants representi...

Final Presentation Conference for CAMP Algeria
Final Presentation Conference for CAMP Algeria
The Minister of Physical Planning and Environment of Algeria agreed to hold the Final Presentation Conference for CAMP Algerian Coasal
Inception Workshop for CAMP Cyprus
Inception Workshop for CAMP Cyprus
Inception Workshop of the CAMP Cyprus project will be held January 19-20, 2006. The workshop will discuss the methodologies, tools and techniques ...
COP 14 very positive for PAP/RAC
COP 14 very positive for PAP/RAC

The 14th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Regions of the Medit...

PAP/RAC at SMAP workshops in Algeria and Syria
PAP/RAC at SMAP workshops in Algeria and Syria
In the framework of the Regional Euro-Mediterranean Programme for the Environment (SMAP) a series of national workshops "Environmental ...
Launching of landscape management activity
Launching of landscape management activity

The immense diversity of Mediterranean landscapes contributes to local and regional identity, reflecting the past and present relationships between the man and hi...