

Croatia  adopted a Decree on coastal areas
Croatia adopted a Decree on coastal areas
As a consequence of a rapid and uncontrolled development in Croatian coastal areas, and taking into account the expected pressures in the future, the Gove...
Changed e-mail address in PAP/RAC
Changed e-mail address in PAP/RAC
Please, note, that e-mail address of PAP/RAC staff is changed from today on. Instead of, please put, name.surname@ppa...
New publication on CCA for Tourism
New publication on CCA for Tourism
The Challenge of Tourism Carrying Capacity Assessment - Theory and Practice, edited by Harry Coccossis, The University of Thessaly, Greece and Alexandra Mexa, University of the Aeg...
Soil erosion project in the Maghreb countries - 2nd phase
Soil erosion project in the Maghreb countries - 2nd phase
The second phase of the project of formulation of erosion combating programmes in the pilot watersheds in the Maghreb countries was launched in a workshop...
Forum paved the way towards ICAM Protocol
Forum paved the way towards ICAM Protocol

Forum was held in the premises of the Convent of San Giuseppe, Cagliari, Sardinia (May 28 - 29, 2004). It was organised with the support of the Ministry o...

Coastlearn Simulation Game discussed in Moscow
Coastlearn Simulation Game discussed in Moscow
A small team working on the preparation of the simulation game for the Coastlearn virtual training course met in Moscow on 24-25 May. In the framework of
First run of MedOpen virtual training course on ICAM
First run of MedOpen virtual training course on ICAM

The first run of MedOpen virtual training course on ICAM in the Mediterranean will start on Monday, April 19th, 2004, at 09:00. Out of almost 60 candidate...

New FAO site on soil erosion
New FAO site on soil erosion
TA new site on soil erosion was recently launched by FAO in a close co-operation with PAP/RAC. As a matter of fact, PAP/RAC and FAO AGL Department have a ...
Reinforcement of a participative approach in the framework of CAMP " Algeria "
Reinforcement of a participative approach in the framework of CAMP " Algeria "

The second training course on animation and communication in the context of a participative process was held in the premises of the National Centre for En...