

BARE for the beaches
BARE for the beaches
On November 10, 2006, in Trogir (Croatia), PAP/RAC co-organised the first thematic seminar on "Sustainable management of bathing areas in Croatia”, together with Association for Na...
PAP/RAC a member of LIFE Third Coutries family
PAP/RAC a member of LIFE Third Coutries family
PAP/RAC and the European Commission have signed within the framework of LIFE Third Countries a grant agreement for the implementation of the project entitled DESTINATIONS (Developm
Second run of Arabic MedOpen
Second run of Arabic MedOpen

We have the pleasure to inform you of the upcoming launch of the second run of Arabic MedOpen, a virtual training course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Arabic la...

Horizon 2020 for the Mediterranean
Horizon 2020 for the Mediterranean

The European Commission last week proposed a long-term environmental strategy for cleaning up the Mediterranean Sea. This unique ecosystem is deteriorating as environmental pressur...

Call for ECO-IMAGINE grants
Call for ECO-IMAGINE grants
Call for candidatures for grants to participate in the ECO-IMAGINE Thematic Conference: "The Waterfront Management and GI" to be held in Genoa, Italy, November 14-18, 2006 is open ...
Post-graduate course on ICZM starts November 6, 2006
Post-graduate course on ICZM starts November 6, 2006

A post-graduate course on ICZM, prepared in the framework of Educom@Med project, will start on November 6, 2006. Information about the course, its syllabus, availability of scholar...

Good progress on ICZM Protocol
Good progress on ICZM Protocol
The second meeting of the working group of experts designated by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention to draft the final version of the ICZM Protocol was held in Lou
PlanCoast launched
PlanCoast launched

PlanCoast is an abbreviation for the “Spatial Planning in Coastal Zones” project. It is an Interreg III B CADSES project, involving 16 partners from 11 countries of three European ...

Training course on sustainability indicators
Training course on sustainability indicators

The International Centre for Science and High Technology (ICS-UNIDO), within its Area of Earth, Environmental and Marine Sciences and Technologies, is organizing in collaboration w...