

Algeria: "Destinations", SDAL, "Coast Day" …
Algeria: "Destinations", SDAL, "Coast Day" …
The month of September was marked by a strong presence of PAP/RAC in Algeria. On September 11, "Destinations" project was officially launched during a meeting organised by the nati...
PERSGA delegation in the Adriatic
PERSGA delegation in the Adriatic

An important mission of PAP/RAC is also to share experience and collaborate on common issues with other Regional Seas Programmes of UNEP and other intergovernmental organisations. ...

Conference on marine spatial planning
Conference on marine spatial planning
PAP/RAC is introducing a completely new field of spatial planning in the framework of ICZM, i.e. marine spatial planning (MSP). This is undoubtedly an emerging issue in many countr...
PlanCoast on study tour
PlanCoast on study tour
The PlanCoast study tour was organised by the Lead Partner - Ministry of Transport, Building and Regional Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 3-6 July 2007. It had an objective of s...
Beach management guidelines round the corner
Beach management guidelines round the corner
Regional Workshop on Beach Management Guidelines for the Mediterranean was held in the premises of the Foundation for International Studies in Valletta, Malta, on July 2-3, 2007. I...
Mr. Chérif Rahmani - Ambassador for the Coast
Mr. Chérif Rahmani - Ambassador for the Coast
Mr. Chérif Rahmani, the Algerian Minister of Land-use Planning, Environment and Tourism, accepted to be the "Ambassador for the Coast" in a MAP initiative to raise awareness of the...
CAMP Slovenia completed
CAMP Slovenia completed

The Final Presentation Conference for the CAMP Slovenia project was held in Portoroz, on June 20-21, 2007. The conference was the concluding event of this very successful project t...

ICZM Protocol close to signature
ICZM Protocol close to signature
From June 13-16, 2007, Split was for the second time the host city for the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group (WG) to prepare the final draft of the ICZM Protocol. The WG very tho...
PAP/RAC Focal Points met in Palermo
PAP/RAC Focal Points met in Palermo
The National Focal Points of PAP/RAC met with the BP and Info RACs Focal Points in Palermo, on June 5-7, 2007. The meeting was an opportunity to put the three RACs' activities in t...