

198 participants on ArabMedOpen
198 participants on ArabMedOpen

The basic MedOpen course in Arabic has proved to be a very successful initiative. Thanks to translation of the basic course developed by PAP/RAC and its partners to Arabic with the...

Encora project proposes Coastal Wiki
Encora project proposes Coastal Wiki

The ENCORA 1st Theme Workshop, which took place in Valencia, Spain, November 29 – December 1, 2006, aimed at elaborating a new concept in sharing European knowledge and experience ...

Third Thematic Conference of Eco-Imagine
Third Thematic Conference of Eco-Imagine
PAP/RAC Director participated at the Eco-Imagine Conference on “The Waterfront Management and GI” that took place in Genoa, Italy, November 14-18, 2006. In the session on Internat...
Extraordinary Meeting of MAP Focal Points
Extraordinary Meeting of MAP Focal Points
In order to consider the conclusions and recommendations of the Report on the External Evaluation of MAP and to make recommendations to the Meeting of the MAP Focal Points, an extr...
In memoriam: Adalberto Vallega
In memoriam: Adalberto Vallega

It was a great sorrow to learn that our colleague, Adalberto Vallega, President of the International Geographical Union, passed away Wednesday, November 22, 2006.

He was a professo...

Euro-Mediterranean Partnership endorsed Horizon 2020
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership endorsed Horizon 2020
The MAP’s action to de-pollute the Mediterranean was endorsed by the 3rd Ministerial Conference on the Environment, which took place in Cairo, Egypt, November 20, 2006. At the conf...
MWWD Conference
MWWD Conference
International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges (MWWD) 2006 took place in Antalya, Turkey, November 6-10, 2006. PAP/RAC was invited to give a keynote presentation on ICZM
BARE for the beaches
BARE for the beaches
On November 10, 2006, in Trogir (Croatia), PAP/RAC co-organised the first thematic seminar on "Sustainable management of bathing areas in Croatia”, together with Association for Na...
PAP/RAC a member of LIFE Third Coutries family
PAP/RAC a member of LIFE Third Coutries family
PAP/RAC and the European Commission have signed within the framework of LIFE Third Countries a grant agreement for the implementation of the project entitled DESTINATIONS (Developm