

New FAO site on soil erosion
New FAO site on soil erosion
TA new site on soil erosion was recently launched by FAO in a close co-operation with PAP/RAC. As a matter of fact, PAP/RAC and FAO AGL Department have a ...
Reinforcement of a participative approach in the framework of CAMP " Algeria "
Reinforcement of a participative approach in the framework of CAMP " Algeria "

The second training course on animation and communication in the context of a participative process was held in the premises of the National Centre for En...

Inception Workshop for CAMP Slovenia
Inception Workshop for CAMP Slovenia
Details of CAMP Slovenia project were presented and discussed at the Inception Workshop (IW) in Koper, 18-19 March 2004. The structure, organisation and each of the project activit...
OCEANA inaugurated in Damour
OCEANA inaugurated in Damour
Results and recommendations of the CAMP Lebanon project are becoming reality. As a result of one of the CAMP activities, i.e. Tourism and Sustainable Development, which dealt with ...
Regional Stakeholders' Forum on ICAM Protocol
Regional Stakeholders' Forum on ICAM Protocol
The Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention have, at the 13th Meeting in Catania (November 2003), adopted a recommendation to “…prepare a draft text of the regional protoco...
Inception Workshop for CAMP Slovenia
Inception Workshop for CAMP Slovenia
In the framework of the CAMP Slovenia project, the Inception Workshop will be organised on 18-19 March 2004 in Portoroz. The workshop will be
Agreement for CAMP Mar Menor to be signed soon
Agreement for CAMP Mar Menor to be signed soon
On the basis of the Feasibility Study for CAMP Mar Menor, which was prepared and presented at the Contracting Parties meeting in Catania (November ...
Final Presentation Conference in Lebanon
Final Presentation Conference in Lebanon
The Final Presentation Conference for the CAMP Lebanon is being organised and is expected to take place in April 2004. It will be convened in order to pr...
PAP/RAC at the GPA and C.I.R.P.S. meeting in Rome
PAP/RAC at the GPA and C.I.R.P.S. meeting in Rome
On February 2 - 3, 2004, a meeting was held on "Enhancing public/private partnership for new financial arrangements to eliminate land-based pollution: promoting t...