On December 3rd, PAP/RAC and Plan Blue RAC held the first workshop for the preparation of Coastal management plan for Boka-Kotorska Bay in Montenegro. It was a joint Scoping and Cl...
The CORMON Coast and Hydrography meeting that was held via videoconference on 25 November 2021 brought together participants from 16 CPs, representatives of some of the MAP compone...
Slovenia was one of the first Mediterranean EU Member States to prepare and adopt a Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) in July 2021, as a fulfilment of the obligation towards the EU MSP Dir...
On October 26th, PAP/RAC representative participated in the workshop organized in the framework of the “ECOMONDO – The green technology expo” in Rimini, Italy. The workshop entitle...
Even if due to the COVID 19 epidemic, Slovenia has not been able this year to celebrate the Mediterranean Coast Week as it has done every year for a decade, it has decided to organ...
We have the pleasure to announce that PAP/RAC is organising an online seminar on “MSP in the Mediterranean”, which will be held through November and December 2021, as a combination...
On the 27 September 2021, Lefteris Arapakis, a national of Greece, has received the honorary title of Ambassador for the Mediterranean Coast during the online event organised by t...
The Mediterranean Coast Day celebration took place during a number of events that took place on 23 and 24 September 2021 in the frame of the CAMP B&H project. This included the cap...
As every year since 2007, we are getting ready to happily celebrate the Mediterranean Coast Day. As last year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it will not be possible to organize a l...