The first ever attempt to assess the good environmental status (GES) for marine litter in Montenegro was introduced by Ms Milica Mandić of the Institute of Marine Biology in Koto...
On the International Woman’s Day we remember Biliana Cicin-Sain, a remarkable woman indeed. Dr. Biliana Cicin-Sain (PhD in political science, UCLA, postdoctoral training, Harvard U...
The World Bank IBRD-IDA has published the final Croatia: Cost of Environmental Degradation report (CoED), as well as, a Story Map, presenting the report in a very appealing and int...
Following the round of meetings with the national institutions, a series of meetings with representatives of coastal municipalities of Montenegro were organised virtually during Ja...
We are pleased to inform you that the January 2021 issue of the UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention Secretariat’s newsletter “MED News”, produced by INFO-RAC, is now available online: ...
As temperatures rise and climate change impacts intensify, nations must urgently step up action to adapt to the new climate reality or face serious costs, damages and losses, a new...
What are ‘Nature-based solutions’ (NbS)? How can they help build resilience to disasters and climate change impacts? Why is NbS relevant? How can I apply NbS in my work and everyda...
On 11 January 2021, a virtual meeting was held within the frame of the GEF Adriatic project, to present and discuss the development of the national database for parameters relevant...
Even the Covid did not stop PAP / RAC and partner universities (the Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Tunisia and the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Al Hoceima, Morocco) from ...