On May 3rd, a special edition of the MedOpen course devoted entirely to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) will be launched. This session, which is particularly aimed at those involved ...
On the very day of Mother Earth celebration, the Nature Park "Platamuni" has been proclaimed the first Marine Protected Area in Montenegro.
The area of Platamuni is located in t...
During 19 and 20 April, PAP/RAC was honoured to host a meeting with the representatives of Montenegrin Ministry of ecology, spatial planning and urbanism in PAP/RAC premisses, in t...
At the invitation of IDDRI – the French Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, the PAP/RAC Director took part in the online workshop organized on 6-7 Ap...
On 26 March, working group of the ICZM County Committee of the Šibenik-Knin County met in Šibenik to discuss the progress of the Adriadapt project. The meeting was opened by County...
The Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) is hosting an online workshop on 8 April 2021 (10:00–15:40) to officially present the new Coastal Zone Land Cover Land Use (LC/LU) pro...
The first ever attempt to assess the good environmental status (GES) for marine litter in Montenegro was introduced by Ms Milica Mandić of the Institute of Marine Biology in Koto...
On the International Woman’s Day we remember Biliana Cicin-Sain, a remarkable woman indeed. Dr. Biliana Cicin-Sain (PhD in political science, UCLA, postdoctoral training, Harvard U...
The World Bank IBRD-IDA has published the final Croatia: Cost of Environmental Degradation report (CoED), as well as, a Story Map, presenting the report in a very appealing and int...