

COP21  launched
COP21 launched

The work of the 21st Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Conven...

COP21 Trailer
COP21 Trailer

INFO/RAC is pleased to announce that the COP21 Trailer is from now on available online.

The direct link is:

We wanted to “Embrace the Sea” and landed on “Ecotopia”
We wanted to “Embrace the Sea” and landed on “Ecotopia”

With yesterday’s 10th workshop, the cycle “Embrace the Sea on Wednesday”, as a part of the Coast Day celebration, was closed. The workshops were held at the public library of Split...

GEF Adriatic partners met in Podgorica
GEF Adriatic partners met in Podgorica

In the frame of the GEF Adriatic Project, two meetings were held in Podgorica, Montenegro, on 25 and 26 November 2019, respectively. The objectives of the meetings were twofold: to...

MSPGlobal: an occasion to share the Mediterranean experience
MSPGlobal: an occasion to share the Mediterranean experience

Jointly organised by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, VASAB, Pan Baltic Scope and European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, ...

The Mediterranean city of Ashdod wins the second edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award
The Mediterranean city of Ashdod wins the second edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award

The Mediterranean coastal city of Ashdod (Israel) is the winner of the second edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award. The Jury – which is composed of the Members o...

GEF Adriatic partners met in Tirana
GEF Adriatic partners met in Tirana

In  the frame of the GEF Adriatic Project, and in collaboration with the Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment, a meeting between the Albanian national experts, PAP/RAC and ...


The COP21 website, developed by INFO/RAC, was officially launched on October 23 during the Towards COP21 Youth Event organized by IMELS. The website ( http://www.cop21med-italy.n...

Replications of the awarded Šibenik-Knin Coastal Plan in full swing
Replications of the awarded Šibenik-Knin Coastal Plan in full swing

The Coastal management plan for Kaštela was presented at the conference “Coastal management in the Adriatic Croatia”, which was held in Kaštel Lukšić on 22 October. This plan, prep...