In the framework of the Adriadapt project, on 12 and 13 June, PAP/RAC organized a meeting to harmonize its outputs with the similar outputs of its project partner IUAV. The meeting...
Parallel meetings of the OAP M3 Steering Committee and “Off your map” campaign supported by MAVA foundation were organised in Ulcinj, Montenegro on 4-6 June. The Steering Committee...
Šibenik-Knin County’s Coastal Plan got the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Award” as an exemplary action of adaptation to climate change! The Award was conferred at the Eu...
On 21 and 22 May 2019, PAP/RAC organized a meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Group on Monitoring (CORMON) on Coast and Hydrography cluster in Rome, Italy. The meetin...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation of Spain, in its capacity of Depositary of the Treaty for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Mediterranean Seaside Re...
On 8 and 9 May a meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points was organised at PAP/RAC premises in Split. It was attended by representatives of 17 Contracting Parties, four invited experts, the...
MAP announces the 2nd Edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award open! The Mediterranean coastal cities active in the field of environmental protection and sustainable...
PAP/RAC is going to participate at the celebration of the European Maritime Day to be organized in Lisbon, Portugal, on 16-17 May 2019. Particular focus of PAP/RAC interest will, a...
Partners of the PHAROS4MPAs gathered at the premises of CNR-ISMAR in Venice, Italy, on 2 – 3 May 2019 to exchange on the progress of the project’s action plan. First project produc...