

Paving the way for CAMP Bosnia and Herzegovina
Paving the way for CAMP Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 13 February 2018, a meeting with local authorities of the CAMP area (Neum municipality, as the only coastal municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina – B&H) and national authoritie...

Šibenik-Knin County Committee for ICZM at work
Šibenik-Knin County Committee for ICZM at work

A meeting of the County Committee for integrated coastal and marine management was held on March 7th at the premises of the Šibenik-Knin County. The Committee was founded as a resu...

Buna river project launched in Albania
Buna river project launched in Albania

A PAP/RAC representative participated at a meeting to launch the Buna Delta Protection project organized on 25 January 2018 in Shkodra (Albania). The meeting was attended by around...

Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award: The winner is the city of Izmir!
Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award: The winner is the city of Izmir!

The “Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award” was conferred to Izmir (Turkey) during the high-level session of the 20th Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convent...

New MAP biennium on the way
New MAP biennium on the way

At the 20th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP20) to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its P...

Information meeting for the MedProgramme Climate add-on
Information meeting for the MedProgramme Climate add-on

Back to back with the 2nd Consultation Meeting of the GEF MedProgramme, an Information meeting for the project “Enhancing regional climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean ma...

Second MedProgramme consultations in Rabat
Second MedProgramme consultations in Rabat

The second Consultation Meeting for the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1: Mediterranean coastal zones: climate resilience, water security and habitat protection was held in Rabat...

National IMAPs for Coast and Hydrography
National IMAPs for Coast and Hydrography

During a two-day meeting of the Sub-regional expert group on Coast and Hydrography of the EcAp Med II project, held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 6 – 7 December 2017, representatives from...

EcAp experts to meet in Zagreb
EcAp experts to meet in Zagreb

A Sub-regional expert group meeting on Coast and Hydrography indicators will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 6 - 7 December 2017, as part of the EcAp MED II project. The Project ...