

Marine litter is a big deal, it may end up in your meal!
Marine litter is a big deal, it may end up in your meal!

The International conference "Marine litter - challenges & solutions" was organised by Davor Skrlec, the Croatian representative to the European parliament, in Split, Croatia, on 1...

Towards the Regional Framework for ICZM
Towards the Regional Framework for ICZM

At the Extraordinary Meeting of PAP/RAC NFPs that took place in Athens, Greece, on 28 and 29 June 2017, participants agreed on the draft document that will serve as a ToR, i.e. a g...

Var Land-sea forum III – from the Mediterranean to local
Var Land-sea forum III – from the Mediterranean to local

Within the framework of the CAMP France project (PAC Var), PAP/RAC, in partnership with the French Coastal protection agency (Conservatoire du littoral), organized the third Land-s...

SimWestMed first Project Group and Steering Committee meeting in Malta
SimWestMed first Project Group and Steering Committee meeting in Malta

The Working group of the SimWestMed project gathered in St. Julian’s, Malta, on 13 June 2017 to discuss Components and Sub-components of the project. Particular attention was paid ...

Blue economy for the Mediterranean
Blue economy for the Mediterranean

In the framework of the project entitled “A Blue Economy for a healthy Mediterranean” funded by MAVA, the final project conference took place in Marseille, France, on 30 - 31 May 2...

IFOAM - Organics International session at PAP/RAC
IFOAM - Organics International session at PAP/RAC

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) - Organics International launched its fifth European organic leadership course in Croatia with the kick-off at the...

Advocating for Blue economy
Advocating for Blue economy

Two related events were in the focus of PAP/RAC last week - the European Maritime Day 2017 (EMD) and the Multi-Use for Sustainable Blue Growth (MUSES Project) Stakeholders Workshop...

Designing the MedProgramme
Designing the MedProgramme

An informal kick-off meeting of the GEF newly approved concept for the Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme) on Enhancing Environmental Security was held in Athens, Greece, on...

Mr Larid left us too soon
Mr Larid left us too soon

It is with great sadness that the PAP/RAC team learned today of the passing of its long-time collaborator and friend, Mr Mohamed Larid. Mr Larid was among the pioneers of ICZM in A...