

Erasmus Mundus Master Course on MSP
Erasmus Mundus Master Course on MSP
We are glad to announce the Call for application for the Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning (EMMCMSP), 2017/2019.

The two-year English-taught master cours...

EcAp for the Mediterranean
EcAp for the Mediterranean
SPA/RAC is pleased to share with us its short film entitled "EcAp for the Mediterranean" developed in the framework of the EcAp-Med II Project. This animated film was screened for ...
Algeria ratifies the Prevention and Emergency Protocol of the Barcelona Convention
Algeria ratifies the Prevention and Emergency Protocol of the Barcelona Convention
Algeria has ratified the "Protocol Concerning Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, in Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea" (Prevention a...
Regional meeting of the Mediterranean Basin Ecosystem Profile (CEPF)
Regional meeting of the Mediterranean Basin Ecosystem Profile (CEPF)
The Mediterranean basin is one of the most remarkable biodiversity hotspots of the planet due to its great biological diversity and spectacular landscapes, where most of the pressu...
The Mediterranean at Climate Change COP 22: Time for Action!
The Mediterranean at Climate Change COP 22: Time for Action!
In the framework of the Climate Change COP 22, held in Marrakesh, Morocco, the United Nations Environment Programme / Mediterranean Action Plan – Secretariat to the Barcelona Conve...
PAP/RAC at COP22 in Marrakech
PAP/RAC at COP22 in Marrakech
According to Ms. Hakima El Haite, Moroccan Minister Delegate in Charge of Environment, between 25,000 and 30,000 people are expected to take part in the 22nd Session of the Confere...
Area of Reghaia’s coastal plan classified as protected area
Area of Reghaia’s coastal plan classified as protected area
In 2015, the activity on Reghaia’s coastal plan coordinated by PAP/RAC ended with the validation by the steering committee of the final document including 21 recommendations. One o
ICZM & MSP – a meter for Blue Economy
ICZM & MSP – a meter for Blue Economy
The 2nd meeting of the Blue Economy Working Group took place in Brussels on 8 November 2016, under the Jordanian and European Commission Co-Presidency, in close collaboration with ...
First meeting of the County Committee for ICZM
First meeting of the County Committee for ICZM

On 3 November, the first meeting of the recently established Committee for ICZM was held at the premises of the Šibenik-Knin County. The County Prefect expressed his satisfaction t...