

CAMP Italy enters its final stage
CAMP Italy enters its final stage
The Emilia Romagna region was the host of the Mid-Term Conference for the CAMP Italy project that took place at the Cappella Farnese in Bologna on 21 March 2016. Taking into accoun...
CIESM Congress members meet again
CIESM Congress members meet again
On 12-16 September 2016, the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) will be held in Kiel, Germany. Each year, the CIESM Congress is organizing one of the largest multi-disciplina...
MedOpen CVC boat ready to sail out again!
MedOpen CVC boat ready to sail out again!
In order to respond to the great interest of target users who had applied for the MedOpen Climate variability and change (CVC) Advanced training session in 2015 held within the Med...
Land-Sea Forum of the Var County
Land-Sea Forum of the Var County
The first Land-Sea Forum of the Var County (CAMP France), opened to coastal stakeholders, practitioners, decision makers and the civil society, will be held on 31 March 2016, and w...
CAMP Italy Project Mid-term Conference
CAMP Italy Project Mid-term Conference
On 21 March the conference “Actions and Tools for Coastal Management” will take place in Bologna – Cappella Farnese (in Piazza Maggiore). Organized by the CAMP Italy Project along...
Paper Consumption was cut by 85% at the Barcelona Convention COP19
Paper Consumption was cut by 85% at the Barcelona Convention COP19
The UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention Secretariat succeeded in cutting its paper consumption by 85% during the 19th ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convent...
COP19 side event on MSP
COP19 side event on MSP
On 11 February 2016 PAP/RAC organised a side event on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) for the participants of the COP19. The event was motivated by the increasing use of the marine s...
Ministerial session – COP 19
Ministerial session – COP 19
Athens, 11 February 2016 – During a high level event of the Barcelona Convention CoP 19 meeting, hosted by the Greek Government in Athens, Mediterranean ministers and parties c...
COP 19 started
COP 19 started
The 19th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP 19) hosted by the Hellenic Government, has just been opened this morning of 9 February in Athe...