

ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County approaching completion
ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County approaching completion
The PAP/RAC expert team has completed the final draft of the ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County. The Plan contains, among others, measures to be taken by each coastal settlement...
MedPartnership and ClimVar projects end, the protection of the Mediterranean goes on
MedPartnership and ClimVar projects end, the protection of the Mediterranean goes on
The Steering Committee of the MedPartnership and ClimVar and ICZM held its 5th and last meeting in Athens, Greece, on 3 and 4 November 2015, in the presence of country Focal Points...
Croatian Marine and Coastal Strategy – 2nd round of workshops
Croatian Marine and Coastal Strategy – 2nd round of workshops
Within the activities on the preparation of the Croatian and Marine Strategy, implemented by the Croatian Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection in cooperation with PAP/RA...
MAP Focal Points meet in Greece
MAP Focal Points meet in Greece
The meeting of the Mediterranean Action Plan focal points was opened in Athens, Greece, on 13 October 2015, in the presence of representatives from 21 Mediterranean countries, the ...
SwitchMed calls for green entrepreneurs
SwitchMed calls for green entrepreneurs
The SwitchMed programme is launching the call for the ¨SwitchMed Green Entrepreneurs Training Programme¨ that will take place in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan from November onwards...
Réghaia’s Coastal Plan: when “adoption” translates into “action”!
Réghaia’s Coastal Plan: when “adoption” translates into “action”!
On September 21st, the Ministry of Water Resources and Environment organized, jointly with PAP/RAC, an adoption meeting on Réghaia’s Coastal Plan. The meeting was held at the El Ra...
2015 Coast Day at the door
2015 Coast Day at the door
Another year has flown by and the time has come to celebrate the Mediterranean Coast Day. This year, it will be a little different than usually. The central regional celebration wi...
ClimVar & ICZM Regional Conference in Kiel
ClimVar & ICZM Regional Conference in Kiel
The Regional Conference on the evaluation of socio-economic impacts of climate variability and change (CV&C) in coastal zones was held at the Geographic Institute of the University...
Sailing towards sustainable management of Buna/Bojana area
Sailing towards sustainable management of Buna/Bojana area
The Final Consultation Meeting for the presentation of the Buna/Bojana Integrated Resources Management Plan took place in Ulcinj, Montenegro, on 7 September 2015. The Meeting was o...