

MEDCOP 21 - paving the way for Paris
MEDCOP 21 - paving the way for Paris
At the invitation of the BP/RAC, a PAP/RAC representative attended the MEDCOP 21, Mediterranean Climate Summit, organised on 4-5 June at Marseilles. The event was organised by the ...
Blue Plan’s workshop on the presentation and validation of a methodology
Blue Plan’s workshop on the presentation and validation of a methodology
BP/RAC took the opportunity of the MEDCOP21 conference to organize in Marseilles, on June 3, 2015, a workshop in the frame of the ClimVar & ICZM Project. The workshop was attended ...
The MEDCOAST jubilee workshop
The MEDCOAST jubilee workshop
A PAP/RAC representative attended the MEDCOAST JUBILEE WORKSHOP for celebrating the 25th anniversary of the MEDCOAST. The workshop was organised in Sarigerme, Turkey, on May 27-30,...
The Mediterranean Action Plan celebrates its 40th anniversary
The Mediterranean Action Plan celebrates its 40th anniversary
Under the auspices of the Ministry for Environment of the Hellenic Republic, the United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) launched the celebration ...
PAP/RAC National Focal Points met in Split
PAP/RAC National Focal Points met in Split

The PAP/RAC National Focal Points meeting was held at the PAP/RAC premises in Split, on May 14. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following Contracting Parties: Al...

Final MedPartnership ICZM & ClimVar Conference
Final MedPartnership ICZM & ClimVar Conference
The Final Conference of the PAP/RAC activities within the MedPartnership and ClimVar & ICZM projects was organised on May 12-13 in Split, in the Gothic Hall of the City Museum. The...
Croatian Coastal and Marine Strategy
Croatian Coastal and Marine Strategy
The Croatian Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection coordinates activities on the preparation of the Croatian Coastal and Marine Strategy. After the initial documents rega...
CV&C training session launched this morning
CV&C training session launched this morning
The first Advanced training session on Climate Variability and Change (CV&C), being an integral part of the PAP/RAC MedOpen virtual training course in ICZM in the Mediterranean, ha...
6th meeting of Croatian Inter-ministerial committee
6th meeting of Croatian Inter-ministerial committee
Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection in collaboration with PAP/RAC organised a 6th meeting of Croatian Inter-ministerial committee to present the assessments performed i...