

Montenegro celebrates Coast Day 2013
Montenegro celebrates Coast Day 2013

On the occasion of the Coast Day, a press conference will be organised on September 25 at the multimedia hall of the Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism in ...

2013 Coast Day in Split
2013 Coast Day in Split
Host of PAP/RAC, instigator of the Mediterranean Coast Day celebration, Split, has marked this important day this year as well. On September 21, the event was organised on the newe...
Slovenia celebrates Coast Day 2013
Slovenia celebrates Coast Day 2013
The Pretorian palace of the city of Koper hosted the celebration of the Slovenian Coast Day on 18 September  2013. Mr. Mitja Bricelj, Co-ordinator for the implementation of the Bar...
2013 MedOpen Advanced for SHAPE
2013 MedOpen Advanced for SHAPE
A new run of the MedOpen Advanced Course in ICZM in the Mediterranean starts on September 16. The aim of the Course is to improve capacities for coastal management, which will subs...
Spectacular waters of the Šibenik-Knin County
Spectacular waters of the Šibenik-Knin County
Regional authorities of the Šibenik-Knin County organised a boat trip for the PAP/RAC expert team to visit the project area of the GEF Climate Variability and ICZM Project. Within ...
Supporting MSP/ICM Directive in EU Parliament
Supporting MSP/ICM Directive in EU Parliament

A meeting was initiated by Mr. Spyros Danellis, Member of the European Parliament, and organised jointly by WWF and the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) to present and discu...

Fascinating coastal landscape
Fascinating coastal landscape

Last weekend, on 13 July, the walking trail of St. Anthony’s Channel in Šibenik was officially opened to public. The 4,4 km long trail takes the visitor through the beautiful and p...

Split students for 2013 Coast Day
Split students for 2013 Coast Day
The 2013 Mediterranean Coast Day celebration will focus on raising awareness of the future of the coasts in the Mediterranean. Great importance is attributed to work with children ...
PAP/RAC at the EU Joint MSP-ICM Expert Group
PAP/RAC at the EU Joint MSP-ICM Expert Group

At the invitation of the EU Focal Point the PAP/RAC Director attended the Member State Expert Group on Maritime Spatial Planning - Integrated Coastal Management held in Brussels on...