

35 years of PAP/RAC
35 years of PAP/RAC

This year, PAP/RAC celebrates the 35th anniversary of its official establishment as one of the components of MAP. All these years, the Centre has been successfully addressing immed...

PAP/RAC NFP Corner launched!
PAP/RAC NFP Corner launched!
PAP/RAC has launched, in the frame of its web site, a National Focal Points (NFP) Corner. It is an official web portal designed especially for NFPs to find information related to r...
CoP17 adopted the ICZM Action Plan
CoP17 adopted the ICZM Action Plan

The representatives of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols met at their 17th Ordinary Meeting in Paris, on 8-10 February 2012. A long list of deci...

Shaping the Adriatic
Shaping the Adriatic

The SHAPE project partners met in Bari, Italy, first, to contribute to the MEDITERRE 2012 international conference and second, to discuss the progress and administrative issues rel...

A good team, the best guarantee!
A good team, the best guarantee!

On January 25, a meeting to launch the national ICZM strategy for Algeria and the Réghaia coastal plan was held at the premises of the Algerian Ministry of Land-use Planning and En...

Declaration adopted by Coastal Commission
Declaration adopted by Coastal Commission
The Coastal Commission (CC) for the CAMP Levante de Almeria, Spain, met on 13 December 2011 and adopted the Declaration by which it gave a full support to the CAMP project and its ...
UNESCO Workshop on coastal hazards
UNESCO Workshop on coastal hazards

The workshop on the use of strategic coastal planning and management to reinforce awareness of and preparedness for tsunamis and other sea-level related hazards was held at the pre...

MEDCOAST Institute 2012
MEDCOAST Institute 2012
The MEDCOAST Secretariat has just announced that the Ninth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institu...
Monaco workshop for Rio+20
Monaco workshop for Rio+20
Mr. Neven Stipica, PAP/RAC Programme Officer, attended the workshop “Sustainable Oceans in the Context of the Green Economy and the Eradication of Poverty” in Monaco on 28-30 Novem...