The CAMP Levante de Almeria Integration workshop on preparation of the final project document, i.e. the Sustainable Development Reference Framework (SDRF), took place in Almeria, o...
A new run of the MedOpen Advanced Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) has started. The main objective of the course is to get acquainted with ICZM in general and wi...
On 22 March, the Inception workshop for the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) for Montenegro and the national ICZM Strategy was held at the Podgorica Hotel in Podgorica, Mon...
An Expert Meeting for the "Preparation of groundwater supplements to the Mediterranean Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, SAP and Barcelona Convention Protocols”, which was organis...
This year, PAP/RAC celebrates the 35th anniversary of its official establishment as one of the components of MAP. All these years, the Centre has been successfully addressing immed...
The representatives of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols met at their 17th Ordinary Meeting in Paris, on 8-10 February 2012. A long list of deci...
The SHAPE project partners met in Bari, Italy, first, to contribute to the MEDITERRE 2012 international conference and second, to discuss the progress and administrative issues rel...