

MedOpen Advanced candidates - selected!
MedOpen Advanced candidates - selected!
The selection for the MedOpen Advanced Course 2010 is over. Following a combination of criteria, such as the current job position, level of education, motivation and the ICZM exper...
Syria ratified the ICZM Protocol!
Syria ratified the ICZM Protocol!

Syria will enter history for being the sixth and "enter-into-force" country for the ICZM Protocol! Namely, the President of the Syrian Arab Republic issued a Legislative Decree No....

PAP/RAC hosted Turkish delegation
PAP/RAC hosted Turkish delegation

On 22 October, PAP/RAC hosted a delegation composed of 10 officers of the Turkish Ministry of Public Works and Resettlement and 4 consultants from Belda Ltd. This visit, co-organis...

MedOpen - a new run of the Advanced Course announced!
MedOpen - a new run of the Advanced Course announced!

Great news for everyone interested in coastal management - MedOpen, a virtual training course developed by the PAP/RAC has been recently updated. The main goal of this educational ...

MedPartnership: Buna/Bojana ICZM Plan
MedPartnership: Buna/Bojana ICZM Plan
A joint meeting of the Albanian and Montenegrin authorities was held on 15 October at the premises of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration in Tirana. The ...
MedPartnership: Climate change and the planning in the coastal zone
MedPartnership: Climate change and the planning in the coastal zone

On 14 October, the Integrative Working Group (IWG) met for the second time to develop an integrative methodological framework for converging methodologies for groundwater/aquifer...

Encouraging signals from the Coast Day in Slovenia
Encouraging signals from the Coast Day in Slovenia

Owing to the decision of the Parliament of Slovenia of 25 September 2009 to adopt the Law on Ratification of the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean, Slovenia was the first among t...

Green light to ICZM Questionnaire and PAP/RAC strategic orientations
Green light to ICZM Questionnaire and PAP/RAC strategic orientations

At their meeting in Portoroz (Slovenia), on 24 September 2010, the PAP/RAC National Focal Points validated, with some minor changes, the questionnaire elaborated in the frame of th...

EU ratified the ICZM Protocol!
EU ratified the ICZM Protocol!

On 13 September 2010, the Council adopted the decision to ratify the ICZM Protocol to the Barcelona Convention. European Environment Commissioner Janez Potoènik has welcomed the ad...