

Final PSC meeting of the CONSCIENCE project
Final PSC meeting of the CONSCIENCE project
The CONSCIENCE project is reaching its end. The final PSC meeting took place in Eastbourne, UK, on 28 - 29 September 2009. This meeting made a big step towards finalising the proje...
A new "Ambassador for the Coast"!
A new "Ambassador for the Coast"!
Mr. Jérôme Bignon, member of the French Parliament and politician active in the field of coastal management, accepted PAP/RAC invitation to be the "Ambassador for the Coast". Mr. B...
Cairo hosted MCSD
Cairo hosted MCSD
On 28-30 September 2009, Cairo hosted the 13th Meeting of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD). The main theme of the meeting was the “Climate Change Adap...
That's it!
That's it!
One more good news about the Protocol ratification! France joined Slovenia as the second Contracting Party that ratified the ICZM Protocol! Namely, on 28 September, the French Nati...
Slovenia ratified the ICZM Protocol!
Slovenia ratified the ICZM Protocol!
On 25 September 2009, the Slovenian Parliament adopted the Law on Ratification of the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean. Slovenia is the first Contracting Party to the Barcelona ...
GEF Large Marine Ecosystem project on its way
GEF Large Marine Ecosystem project on its way
The First Strategic Partnership Co-ordination Group met for the first time on 16-18 September 2009, in Athens. All implementing partners and agencies attended this sort of a kick-o...
SHAPE for the ICZM Protocol
SHAPE for the ICZM Protocol
In the framework of the EU financial scheme for the IPA Adriatic (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) programme, a meeting was organised by the Emilia Romagna Region to discus...
A TV broadcast on urbanisation of the Mediterranean coast
A TV broadcast on urbanisation of the Mediterranean coast
From 9 to 11 September, a team of the French TV channel "France 3" visited Split and its surroundings in the framework of the preparation of a TV report on urbanisation policies an...
Programme on Environmental Management - Call for Application
Programme on Environmental Management - Call for Application

The Galillee College, Israel, is now in the final phase of preparations towards the opening of their Programme on Environmental Management to be held at the Galillee College, Israe...