

Training on Regional Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Countries
Training on Regional Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Countries

The International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre, University of Malta will host a training course on Regional Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Co...

New Mediterranean "State of the Environment and Development" on the way
New Mediterranean "State of the Environment and Development" on the way
A co-ordination meeting for the preparation of the new State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean report took place in Villa Valmer (Marseille, France), on July ...
Final SMAP III Workshop: Achievements and perspectives for the future
Final SMAP III Workshop: Achievements and perspectives for the future
The Final Regional Workshop of the SMAP III programme, organised by the World Bank/METAP, UNEP/MAP - PAP/RAC and the SMAP III Technical Assistance Programme, was held at the World ...
Adapting to Climate Change
Adapting to Climate Change

A very successful three-day seminar designed for decision makers and tourism experts in the Mediterranean “Coastal Tourism in the Mediterranean: Adapting to Climate Change” was hel...

Focal Points met in Zagreb
Focal Points met in Zagreb
During May 25-27, 2009, Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, hosted the joint meeting of the National Focal Points of the three Regional Activity Centres of MAP namely, the BP/RAC, INFO...
European Maritime Day: The Stakeholders' Conference in Rome
European Maritime Day: The Stakeholders' Conference in Rome
Each year, throughout Europe the Maritime Day is being celebrated to show the importance of the seas and oceans in everyday life of coastal communities and inland, and especially f...
Strategic objectives and a roadmap defined
Strategic objectives and a roadmap defined
The Third Workshop to prepare the National ICZM Strategy for Egypt was held in Cairo, on 23 April 2009. The Workshop organised in the framework of the SMAP III project was attended...
"Destinations" and CAMP Morocco making progress
"Destinations" and CAMP Morocco making progress
On the occasion of workshops held from 7 to 9 April 2009 in Al Hocéima, the "Destinations" project and CAMP Morocco have managed again to create a strong synergy. About fifty natio...
ICZM priorities in Egypt
ICZM priorities in Egypt
The second workshop on elaboration of the National ICZM Strategy for Egypt was held in Cairo, Egypt, on 5 March 2009. Attended by 40-odd participants, mainly highly ranked policy m...