

A TV broadcast on urbanisation of the Mediterranean coast
A TV broadcast on urbanisation of the Mediterranean coast
From 9 to 11 September, a team of the French TV channel "France 3" visited Split and its surroundings in the framework of the preparation of a TV report on urbanisation policies an...
Programme on Environmental Management - Call for Application
Programme on Environmental Management - Call for Application

The Galillee College, Israel, is now in the final phase of preparations towards the opening of their Programme on Environmental Management to be held at the Galillee College, Israe...

Coast Day celebration in the Mediterranean
Coast Day celebration in the Mediterranean

PAP/RAC jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Municipality of Datca-Mugla, Mugla University and Underwater Research Society, Turkey, is organising the third an...

Knowledge Assessment Methodologies (KAM) Fall School
Knowledge Assessment Methodologies (KAM) Fall School
The European Commission’s - JRC in straight collaboration with the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research is oganising the 7th Edition of the Fall School. It will take place in Rhodes...
"Destinations": Algeria proposes a sustainable tourism strategy
"Destinations": Algeria proposes a sustainable tourism strategy

On July 25 and 26 2009, in a high tourist season, the Algerian workshop on the strategy for sustainable tourism development in the zone including the Cap Djinet and Mont Chenoua wa...

ICZM Protocol approved by the French Senate!
ICZM Protocol approved by the French Senate!
The French Senate approved the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean on July 20 2009. The Senate has adopted in First Reading the Bill authorising the...
Training on Regional Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Countries
Training on Regional Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Countries

The International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre, University of Malta will host a training course on Regional Ocean Governance for Mediterranean and Eastern European Co...

New Mediterranean "State of the Environment and Development" on the way
New Mediterranean "State of the Environment and Development" on the way
A co-ordination meeting for the preparation of the new State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean report took place in Villa Valmer (Marseille, France), on July ...
Final SMAP III Workshop: Achievements and perspectives for the future
Final SMAP III Workshop: Achievements and perspectives for the future
The Final Regional Workshop of the SMAP III programme, organised by the World Bank/METAP, UNEP/MAP - PAP/RAC and the SMAP III Technical Assistance Programme, was held at the World ...