The Secretariat of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) - Barcelona Convention launched the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award to be conferred to Mediterranean coastal cities....
In the framework of the Interreg Med project PANACeA, small fisheries co-management models, scientific data sources and new methodologies for monitoring and management of coastal a...
At the second Mediterranean Conference "Biodiv 2017" organized by the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in the Gulf of Gabès (ASCOB-Syrtis), in collaboration with th...
Registrations are open for a three hour self-paced course which explains how international environmental agreements and policies are made, by whom, and how they are complied with, ...
The Villa Noailles overlooking the city of Hyéres, France, hosted the CAMP Var (France) final conference on 6 October 2017. The event brought together more than 80 actors involved ...
The SimWestMed Regional meeting and the first output of the Var Case Study led by UN Environment/MAP and PAP/RAC took place at the Villa Noailles in Hyères, France, on 5 October 20...
The regional celebration of the 2017 Mediterranean Coast Day, organised on September 25 in Tivat, Montenegro was a glowing success. The main event was attended by 150odd participan...
The Consultation Meeting on the “Implementation of Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning” Project (the so-called ADRIATIC-GEF Project) was held in ...
After celebrating together the 2017 Mediterranean Coast Day in Ghar El Melah, on 26 September 2017, international partners of the Mediterranean wetland conservation project finance...