On 17 May 2022, a PAP/RAC delegation visited the Moroccan partners at the Ministry of Energetic Transition and Sustainable Development. The reason for the visit was the preparation of the regional coastal plan (Schéma régional du littoral - SRL) for the region Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima in Morocco and the preparation of the annual Mediterranean Coast Day celebration in September this year. The activities planned for the region will be organized in the framework of the GEF MEDProgramme’s Child Projects 2.1. and SCCF. Zeljka Skaricic, the PAP/RAC Director, discussed the priority topics that SRL will cover, and invited national and regional partners to continue with coordinated actions. The partners from the Ministry and the Region agreed to hold the Mediterranean Coast Day at the end of September, which will give an increased visibility to the activities related to SRL and the importance of good coastal management for a broad population of the region and beyond. The SRL will support sustainable development of the region Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima.