
18.12.2023. Report on the main legal, policy and institutional barriers and opportunities for implementing adaptation solutions in Boka Kotorska Bay

Tender submission deadline:  8 January 2024, 11:00 CEST (EXTENDED TO 20 January 2024, 11:00 CEST)

The Tender proposal should contain the following elements:

  • Tender sheet signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 1);
  •  Curriculum vitae of the Tenderer, proving required technical and professional capacity; 
  •  List of projects verifying expertise (see chapter 5) of the Tenderer (Annex 2);
  •  Cost statement signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 3).

ToR_tenderer_GEF SCCF_barriers and opportunities_EXTENDED.docx

04.12.2023. Tenderer to provide a Study on risks in investing in low-elevation coastal zones in the framework of the GEF MedProgramme SCCF project

Tender submission deadline: 12 December 2023, 1:00 pm CET.

The Tender proposal should contain the following elements:

  1. Tender sheet signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 1);
  2. Curriculum vitae of the Tenderer, proving required technical and professional capacity;
  3. List of projects verifying expertise (Annex 2);
  4. Cost statement signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 3)
  5. Revised annotated outline of the Study (Annex 4)

ToR-Investing in LECZ.docx

08.11.2023. Consultant to provide guidance in developing and applying methodology for prioritisation of coastal plans measures

Tender submission deadline: 16 November 2023, 1:00 pm CET (CANCELED!)

The Tender proposal should contain the following elements:

  1. Tender sheet signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 1);
  2. Curriculum vitae of the Tenderer, proving required technical and professional capacity;
  3. List of projects verifying expertise (Annex 2);
  4. Cost statement signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 3).

ToR-Support for the guidance in prioritisation methodology


03.11.2023. Consultancy to contribute to developing guidelines for coastal plans focusing on coastal risks

Tender submission deadline: 10 November 2023, 1:00 pm CET.

The Tender proposal should contain the following elements:

  1. Tender sheet signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 1);
  2. Curriculum vitae of the Tenderer, proving required technical and professional capacity;
  3. List of projects verifying expertise (Annex 2);
  4. Cost statement signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 3).

ToR-Support for the guidelines for coastal plans_CR.docx

30.10.2023. Consultancy for an independent evaluation of the results of the EU-funded EcAp MED III Project (level B)
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:


Posting Period:
27 October 2023 – 2 November 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-United Nations Environment Programme- 220058-Consultant

Link to Job Opening: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=220058

24.10.2023. Lebanon's National ICZM Strategy, Legislation and Plan Development

Tender submission deadline: 10 November 2023, 10:00 am CET  (extended to 17 November 2023, 10:00 am CET)

The Tender is published on the EOJN Platform, and it contains the following documentation:

  • Description of Services
  • Tender documentation
  • Bill of quantities
  • Application form

To access this tender, please use this link

Description of services

Tender documentation.docx

Annex 2 - Bill of quantities.xlsx

18.10.2023. Baseline Status Report including the definition of the Good Environmental Status (GES) for the IMAP Common Indicator 16 on the coastline for Montenegro

Tender submission deadline: 27 October 2023, 14:00 am CET.

The Tender proposal should contain the following elements:

  1. Tender sheet signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 2);
  2. Curriculum vitae of the Tenderer, proving required technical and professional capacity;
  3. List of projects verifying expertise (see Ch. 5) of the Tenderer (Annex 3);
  4. Cost statement signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 4).

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: marko.prem@paprac.org preferably with GES for CI 16 Montenegro as the e-mail subject

TOR CI16-GES--Invitation to Tender-MNE.doc

Annex 1 - Spatial analysis on length of Montenegro’s coastline occupied by human-made structures, as an input to a document on how to approach assessment of Good Environmental Status (GES) of Montenegro regarding IMAP’s Common Indicator 16

Guiding document for application of assessment criteria for the IMAP Common Indicator 16

29.09.2023. National Consultant to Support the UNEP/MAP - MedProgramme in the Implementation of Child Project 1.1, for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - Level NO-B in Lebanon
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:


Posting Period:
29 September 2023 - 05 October 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-United Nations Environment Programme-218382-Consultant

Link to Job Opening: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=218382

28.09.2023. Coordinator for environmental planning and ICZM System and Audit Scheme Testing - Transboundary CAMP Otranto Project

Tender submission deadline: 6 October 2023, 11:00 am CET.

The Tender proposal should contain the following elements:

  • Tender Sheet, signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 1);
  • CV/ company profile, in English;
  • Cost Statement, signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender (Annex 2).

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: procurement@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org, with the subject line "Coordination ICZM SAS - CAMP Otranto".

Invitation to Tender_ICZM SAS_Coordinator_fin.docx

Annex 3_ICZM SAS REPORT_Criteria and overall procedure

19.09.2023. 19.09.2023. Baseline Status Report including the definition of the Good Environmental Status (GES) for the IMAP Common Indicator 16 on the coastline for Türkiye

The Tenderer shall prove it has the following qualifications:
− Recognised degree in one of the following fields: spatial planning, environmental sciences, coastal zone management;
− Minimum of 5 years of experience in working on projects relevant to the Tender.
− Good knowledge of the English language.

The  Tenderer shall submit the following in his Tender: the Tenderer's curriculum vitae (CV), clearly highlighting, among others, required technical and professional qualifications.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: marko.prem@paprac.org preferably with GES for CI 16 Türkiye as the e-mail subject. 

Tender offers must be received by 4 October 2023, 14.00 hours (CET)


Annex 1a Assessment Criteria and the Guiding Document for Application of Assessment Criteria for the IMAP Common Indicator 16

Annex 1b TÜRKİYE Report Ecological Objective 8 Coastal Ecosystems and Landscapes Common Indicator 16 Length of Coastline Subject to Physical Disturbance Due to the Influence of Human-Made Structures

04.09.2023. Updating Data Management tool in the framework of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto project

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

I. Tender sheet;
II. CV/ company profile, in English;
III. Cost statement
IV. List of projects verifying the expertise of the Tenderer

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org, with the subject line – " Data Management Tool - CAMP Otranto ".

United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:

Posting Period:
29 August 2023 – 12 October 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-Programme Management-UNEP-213903-R-ATHENS

Link to the posting: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=213903

25.08.2023. Repeated tender: Field survey and data collection related to reduction of (marine) pollution in Albania, in the framework of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto Project

Tender submission deadline: 30 August 2023, 23:59 CET

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

- Tender sheet;
- The company profile, in English;
- Cost statement.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating “Data Collection in Albania”.

Invitation_Marine_litter_CAMP Otranto_Repeat.docx
ML_CI22_Information standard.xlsx
WG439 12 Guidance Factsheets Pollution ML EN.pdf

28.07.2023. Providing expert services related to Data Management in the frame of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto Project

Tender submission deadline:  21 August 2023, 23:59 CET. 

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

- Tender sheet ;
- The company profile, in English;
- Cost statement.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating “Data management Expert Albania - CAMP Otranto”.

Invitation_Data_Expert_CAMP Otranto.docx

28.07.2023. Field survey and data collection related to reduction of (marine) pollution in Albania, in the framework of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto Project

Tender submission deadline: 21 August 2023, 23:59 CET.

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

- Tender sheet;
- The company profile, in English;
- Cost statement.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating “Data Collection in Albania”.

Invitation_Marine_litter_CAMP Otranto.docx
ML_CI22_Information standard.xlsx
WG439 12 Guidance Factsheets Pollution ML EN.pdf

27.07.2023. Technical expert to support testing for the ICZM Management System and Audit Scheme (SAS) in Italy, the framework of Transboundary CAMP Otranto project

Tender submission deadline: 21 August 2023, 23:59 CET. Extended: 28 August 2023, 23:59 CET.

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:
- Tender sheet;
- CV, in English;
- List of projects verifying expertise of the qualified expert;

Cost statement, signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: marina.markovic@paprac.org and paprac@paprac.org indicating “ICZM SAS Otranto-indicator testing Italy”.

TOR ICZM SAS_Local Expert_Italy.docx
TOR ICZM SAS_Local Expert_ItalyExtended.docx

27.07.2023. Technical expert to support testing for the ICZM Management System and Audit Scheme (SAS) in Albania, the framework of Transboundary CAMP Otranto project

Tender submission deadline: 21 August 2023, 23:59 CET. Extended: 28 August 2023, 23:59 CET.

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:
- Tender sheet;
- CV, in English;
- List of projects verifying expertise of the qualified expert;

Cost statement, signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: marina.markovic@paprac.org and paprac@paprac.org indicating “ICZM SAS Otranto-indicator testing Albania”.

TOR ICZM SAS_Local Expert_Albania.docx
TOR ICZM SAS_Local Expert_AlbaniaExtended.docx

21.07.2023. PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT OFFICER (6 months), P3 (Temporary Job Opening)
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:

Posting Period:
19 July 2023 – 6 August 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-Programme Management-UNEP-213582-J-ATHENS

 Link to the posting: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=213582

19.07.2023. National Project Coordinator in Albania for the Transboundary CAMP Otranto Project

Tender submission deadline: 24 July 2023, 23:59 CET.

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:
- Tender sheet;
- CV, in English;
- List of projects verifying expertise of the qualified expert;

Cost statement, signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating “CAMP Otranto National Coordinator”.

TOR National coordinator_FinalPhase.docx

24.05.2023. Tenderer to provide services of preparing the cost-benefits analysis of selected options of adaptation to climate change, on two coastal areas: Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro) and Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima (Morocco)

Tender submission deadline:  7 June 2023, 11:00 am CES (extended to 26 June 2023, 11 am CEST) extended to 18 July 2023, 11 am CEST

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

  - Tender sheet;

  - Curriculum vitae of the Tenderer; 

  - List of projects verifying expertise of the Tenderer;

  - Cost statement;

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: ivan.sekovski@paprac.org and ante.ivcevic@paprac.org with “CBA_coastal plans” as the e-mail subject.

ToR_tenderer_GEF SCCF_CBA_final_extended_2.docx

Accompanying documents:

Gender-sensitive Climate Risk Assessment of Kotor Bay, Montenegro

Gender-sensitive Climate Risk Assessment of the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima Region Morocco

DRAFT Proposals for interventions to protect and support the sustainable development of coastal zones Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region (Morocco) and Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro)

22.05.2023. Providing graphic design services in the framework of the CAMP Israel Project

Tender submission deadline:  1 June 2023, 16:00 CET  (EXTENDED TO 2 JUNE 2023 16:00 CET)

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:
- Tender sheet;
- Curriculum vitae, in English;
- Cost statement.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: tea.marasovic@paprac.org preferably with “"CAMP Israel – graphic design services” as the e-mail subject

Graphic design services_CAMP Israel_Fin.docx

19.05.2023. Consultant to Support the MAP Secretariat with Technical Advice from a Legal Perspective (Level B)
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:


Posting Period:
19 May 2023 – 25 May 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-United Nations Environment Programme-209499-Consultant

Link to Job Opening: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=209499

18.05.2023. Biodiversity Programme Coordinator
Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC)
Tunis, Tunisia
Type of contract
Full-time, one-year fixed-term renewable contract (starting with a probationary period of 3 months)
Expected start date
1 July 2023
Application deadline
31 May 2023

Call for applications reference: Call for Applications N°01/2023_SPA/RA

Link to the post: cfa_biodiv_programme_coordinator2.pdf (rac-spa.org)

04.04.2023. Consultant to support the UNEP/MAP – MedProgramme Coordinating Unit (MedPCU) by designing and delivering gender training to enhance partners’ capacity on gender equality and women’s empowerment (Level B)
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:


Posting Period:
03 April 2023 – 13 April 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-United Nations Environment Programme-205355-Consultant

Link to Job Opening: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=205355

04.04.2023. Seminar Organisation Services in Puglia Region, in the framework of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto Project

Tender submission deadline: 11 April 2023, 2 pm CET (extended to 14 April 2023, 10 am CET)

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:
- Tender sheet;
- The company profile, in English;
- Cost statement.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org  indicating “Seminars in Puglia”.

 Tender_Organisation of seminars_Puglia_extended deadline.docx

04.04.2023. Event Management Services in Albania, in the framework of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto Project

Tender submission deadline: 17 April 2023, 10 am CET

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:
- Tender sheet;
- The company profile, in English;
- Cost statement.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating “Event organisation in Albania”..

 Tender_Organisation of events_Albania.docx

28.03.2023. Consultant to provide technical support to the national experts and to the supervision team for the LCC assessments and capacity building in 9 countries in the framework of the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1

Tender submission deadline: 4 April 2023, 1 pm CEST

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

- Tender sheet
- Curriculum vitae
- List of projects verifying expertise of the Tenderer
- Cost statement

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses : daria.povh@paprac.org and paprac@paparac.org

ToR-Technical support_25LCC assessment.docx

17.03.2023. Consultant for an independent evaluation of the results of the EU-funded IMAP-MPA project (C level)
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:


Posting Period:
10 March 2023 – 23 March 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-United Nations Environment Programme-204125-Consultant

Link to Job Opening: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=204125

17.03.2023. Individual Contractor to Support the MAP Secretariat with the Preparations of COP 23 (Level B)
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:


Posting Period:
17 March 2023 – 26 March 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-United Nations Environment Programme-204048-Individual Contractor

Link to Job Opening: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=204048

10.03.2023. Consultant to assess land cover change in Tunisia in the frame of the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1

Tender submission deadline: 19 March 2023, 04 pm CEST. Extended to the 30 March 2023, 01 pm CEST

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

- Tender sheet
- Curriculum vitae
- List of projects verifying expertise of the Tenderer
- Cost statement

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses : veronique.evers@paprac.org and paprac@paparac.org

ToR Tunisia 30LUCExtended.docx
Manuel pour le calcul de l'ICC25
Report: upgraded methodology for LCC indicator

07.03.2023. Consultant to provide supervision of the CCI25 Assessment and Capacity Building in the framework of the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1

Tender submission deadline: 14 March 2023, 16 pm CEST

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

- Tender sheet
- Curriculum vitae
- List of projects verifying expertise of the Tenderer
- Cost statement

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses : daria.povh@paprac.org and paprac@paparac.org

ToR-Supervision and CB_25LCC.docx

24.02.2023. Providing expert services related to preparation of Feasibility study on the application of transboundary EIA/SEA in the context of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols

Tender submission deadline: 10 March 2023, 16:00 am CET. Extended to the 20 March 16:00 CET. Extended to the 03 April 2023, 16:00 CET

- Tender sheet signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender;
- CV, in English;
- List of studies verifying expertise of the qualified expert Key Expert;
- Cost statement signed and filled in according to this Invitation to Tender .

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail address :  marina.markovic@paprac.org.

Invitation to Tender_SEA Expert ExtendedII.docx
Supporting document

21.02.2023. Consultant to provide guidance in developing and applying methodology for enhancing stakeholder engagement in the framework of the GEF MedProgramme Child project 2.1

Tender submission deadline: 1 March 2023, 1 pm CEST. Extended to 13 March 2023, 1 pm CEST. Extended to the 22 March 2023, 1 pm CEST

Interested Tenderers are requested to submit:

- Tender sheet
- Curriculum vitae
- List of projects verifying expertise of the Tenderer
- Cost statement

 Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: daria.povh@paprac.org and paprac@paparac.org

Prolongation ToR-Stakeholders engagementII.docx

14.02.2023. Posting Title: Individual Contractor to provide scientific and technical advice to the UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention Secretariat (Level C)
United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station:


Posting Period:
13 February 2023 – 20 February 2023

Job Opening Number:
23-United Nations Environment Programme- 201921-Consultant

Link to Job Opening: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=201921

19.09.2023. Baseline Status Report including the definition of the Good Environmental Status (GES) for the IMAP Common Indicator 16 on the coastline for Türkiye

The Tenderer shall prove it has the following qualifications:
− Recognised degree in one of the following fields: spatial planning, environmental sciences, coastal zone management;
− Minimum of 5 years of experience in working on projects relevant to the Tender.
− Good knowledge of the English language.

The  Tenderer shall submit the following in his Tender: the Tenderer's curriculum vitae (CV), clearly highlighting, among others, required technical and professional qualifications.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: marko.prem@paprac.org preferably with GES for CI 16 Türkiye as the e-mail subject. 

Tender offers must be received by 4 October 2023, 14.00 hours (CET)


Annex 1a Assessment Criteria and the Guiding Document for Application of Assessment Criteria for the IMAP Common Indicator 16

Annex 1b TÜRKİYE Report Ecological Objective 8 Coastal Ecosystems and Landscapes Common Indicator 16 Length of Coastline Subject to Physical Disturbance Due to the Influence of Human-Made Structures